Carrots90 , RighteousIndignation & Spencer_Shayy #transphobia

( Carrots90 )
New words for the GC dictionary, feel free to add

deGENDERate ‘non-binary’ males who feel entitled to use women’s spaces but don’t even pretend to think they are themselves women

duTIFul when TIFs cape for TIMs because TIFs have ‘male privilege’ and don’t suffer ‘transmisogyny’

feMENism libfemmery. Women centering men in their activism and labors

foresPEAK when someone is on the path to seeing how insane trans ideology is, but they are trying very hard not to see it

inFETISHtation the condition of being overrun with any type of perverted pestilence. eg “Reddit is now infetished with TIMs on all sites”

inTERFace the device or system everyone has to utilize when working with mentally stunted wokesters to prevent meltdowns, drama, and work stoppages

inTRANSigence the ability to steadfastly defend trans ideology despite facts, history, reason, common sense, etc

les-bane anyone who is a bane to lesbians. Any person who is not a woman exclusively attracted to women but claims the name, spaces, compliance, etc of lesbians

male-icious how uniquely horrible TransWomen treat women, friend or foe

masTERFul JKR dealing with TRA crybabies

overesTIMate how TIMs rate their passability/looks/personality

queersling from quisling. actual gay people who sell out the LGB for the TQIAA+++ headpats

subTERFuge undercover GC work. I’m convinced at least some of the ‘handmaidens’ are double agents. Pretending to be selling out the sistershood but doing the goddesses work. “You should definitely say that/wear that/post that” etc

suPERVise when TIMS invade lesbian spaces to look for wrongthink, and to perv

( RighteousIndignation )
Spatch-cocked when a man gets his penis turned inside out and shoved into a hole drilled thru his pelvis.

(courtesy of another ovarit user who's name I don't know).

( Spencer_Shayy )
These are hilarious! I think "les-bane" is my favorite. "Queersling" is good, too, but I prefer "Vichy Gay/Lesbian".

( Carrots90 )
I love Vichy Gay/Lesbian too!!

Someone dared to call Mr Menno that When he opposed trans lunacy. Which is rich, considering that the TQ is imho, the worst thing to happen to the LGB community in the West since HIV crisis



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