Various Incels #racist #sexist #wingnut
[LifeFuel] There is hope. Shanghai summit: Russia, China & allies slam US at Shanghai summit
Russia, China & allies slam US at Shanghai summit (Full show)
The SCO currently comprises eight Member States (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), four Observer States interested in acceding to full membership (Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, and Mongolia).
If American hegemony continues, foid hypergamy and inceldom will only get worst. Jews only have power in the sense that White Anglos willingly act as the protectorate of them because of a strong sense of guilt and obligation. When White numbers diminish so will the the military, economic, and cultural threat of America to the rest of the world. Degeneracy will without a doubt be eliminated. Mass inceldom and female hypergamy... Idk. Most likely a long lasting effect and legacy of American hegemony that will take a long time to unlearn.
Abunch of literally who’s and shitholes. I hope they balkanize the US though so we can have neo confederate states that’d be epic
The SJW cucks in the west are allied with the CCP. Putin is allied with Israel/China and funded retards like Richard Spencer. Those cocksuckers play a left/right dialectic and drive the west further into globalist slavery. The jew subverted our culture since the 30s, so they could easily manipulate simps and women. There are no based countries.