CTON #racist #wingnut amren.com

Don't see Blacks/Latinos and Blacks /Asians miscegenating.plus these groups Don't Even like each other,get together,call each Racial slurs. My Asian and Latin colleague call blacks as niggers.One of them even joked that he wouldnt let his sister marry a negro

I bet if a typical, modern-day white person heard your colleagues, they'd scream and yell at those Asian/Latinos for making "racist comments" and lecture them about MLK. God, I can't stand how brainwashed and stupid so many of our people have become these days.

These Asians and Latinos have weird obsession for white skin.Marrying whites is like trophy symbol for them. Asians /Latinos call white women stupid for marrying negro man.Look up at extinction porn.You will never see Blacks/Asians and blacks /Latino only good looking white women doing porn with a your typical ugly negro.I can't even tolerate one second of that.I feel like banging my head against the wall.

White Americans and Western Europeans have absolutely no clue on how dangerous the nonwhite world is. No clue how many whites are victims of violent crime in America. No clue about the "No go zones" and rape epidemic because of nonwhites being poured into Western Europe. These are the same idiots who go to Islamic and third world nations "to go hiking" and end up getting killed. Even when nonwhites themselves warn them not to go there!

Just about every American White Woman I've met in my life hates white men and tries so hard to prove "I'm tolerant, I love everyone!". Meanwhile, their nonwhite 'friends' openly say they're proud to be black or Latino. The ONLY whites I've met in my life who were prowhite/not PC with their views on race are White Americans born/raised before WWII and Eastern European immigrants. Even Eastern European girls I've met were more openly pro white and realistic on race and were anti-liberal than even the most 'conservative Republican' white man I've known.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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