Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist

( Donald J Trump )
So I help a seriously troubled man, who just happens to be black, Ye (Kanye West), who has been decimated in his business and virtually everything else, and who has always been good to me, by allowing his request for a meeting at Mar-a-Lago, alone, so that I can give him very much needed “advice.” He shows up with 3 people, two of which I didn’t know, the other a political person who I haven’t seen in years. I told him don’t run for office, a total waste of time, can’t win. Fake News went CRAZY!

( @G_Thaumaturgus )
@realdonaldtrump At least Ye is not afraid to name the Jew

( @shitlord_olafssen )
@G_Thaumaturgus @realdonaldtrump DJT "names them" all right - names them as his master!

( @Takeshima )
@G_Thaumaturgus @realdonaldtrump seriously fcuk Trump the zionist Israel FIRST bootlicker. All Kanye and Nick Fuentes are saying is what Trump said himself 2015-2016 before he became a sellout cuck shabbos goy race traitor .

( @MrBAD )
@realdonaldtrump you sold out. I'd rather have a troubled black man who names the Jew and declares Jesus is King than someone who sold out.

( @Takeshima )
@MrBAD @realdonaldtrump Notice how Kanye is suddenly “distressed” and crazed when he logically calls out zionist jews and their influence on media, finance and politics? Shabbos goy Ziodon and his Jew oeners don’t want their house n1gger escaping the plantation and thinking for himself..

( @TheSuperSavvyCitzen )
@realdonaldtrump Please stay away from Kayne and Nick Fuentes they'll ruin your chances of winning the primary it's already hard enough with election fraud

( @KenpachiRabbit )
@TheSuperSavvyCitzen @realdonaldtrump he let the fraud happen as president while he was working on 'warp speed' clot shots. we need someone even bolder and not ron defaggot either

( @brextremist )
@TheSuperSavvyCitzen @realdonaldtrump So long as Trump refuses to denounce the jews as America's greatest adversary, he has no chance of winning in 2024.

( @WoodenDoors_88 )
@realdonaldtrump shut the fuck up you orange kike



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