Scott Lively #homophobia #conspiracy #fundie

“The Pink Swastika” opened innumerable doors for me across the world to sound the warning about LGBTism and help raise international resistance against it, including a major speaking tour through the former Soviet Union, sponsored by a Russian-speaking denomination based in Riga, Latvia. Its founder Pastor Alexey Ledyaev had read “The Pink Swastika” 4th edition (my final collaboration with Kevin Abrams) and invited me to speak at their annual conference in Riga in 2006, leading to dozens of invitations to cities across Russian and Eastern Europe. I went home to California, closed down my law practice over the next six months, and then spent a year nation-hopping to strengthen the global pro-family movement in churches, universities, media and governments. I believe that tour played a small but significant part in bringing about the Russian ban on “gay” propaganda to children, starting as municipal law in the final city of my tour, St. Petersburg. That legislation was adopted in many other Russian cities, eventually being adopted by the national Duma and signed into law by President Putin in 2013 (triggering Obama’s epic globalist freakout and restart of the Cold War).

The main purpose for this article, however, is to applaud Russia’s victory in preventing NATO from using Ukraine as a weapon to defeat, subjugate and plunder the Russian Federation – and to highlight some of the geopolitical consequences of that victory both good and bad.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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