various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
Blacks are given preferential treatment by governmental law in areas such as housing, employment, universities, welfare, entertainment, and even the government itself.

And yet somehow blacks still believe that America is a White supremacist country where White people are privileged, and where blacks are being held down by White people.

If this doesn't convey just how literally clinically retarded blacks are, then I don't know what will.

( @Europman )
@Nature_and_Race I wish America was a White supremacist country

( @DisenfranchisedDad )
@Europman @Nature_and_Race we’d have a hell of a lot less problems

( @excid )
@Nature_and_Race yes. Even with all the advantages given them they still can’t live up to the White standard and so it must be someone else’s fault.

( @claytreble )
@Nature_and_Race What a crazy coincidence that blacks built every white nation, but not a single black nation. What are the odds? Turns out, regardless of religion, socioeconomic status, culture, ideology or political affiliation, blacks tend to be violent, low-impulse criminals in every country they inhabit around the world. There has never been a modern superpower with a black and brown majority. The new American dream is to make enough money to not have to live around black people.

( @WhiteAmericanEskimo )
@Nature_and_Race Blacks think this, of course, because they are continually told that by the jews. The best summation of that relationship is this pithy quip: "The black is the arrow; the jew is the archer."

( @ShadowStruggler )
@WhiteAmericanEskimo @Nature_and_Race Totally agree, the 2 arrows to destroy white race: niggers and white women turned against white men by the propaganda.

( @Nature_and_Race )
@WhiteAmericanEskimo -- Blacks think this because they're too retarded to think for themselves.

( @WhiteAmericanEskimo )
@Nature_and_Race Yes, of course, that goes without saying. They are essentially giant, overgrown, violent, retarded toddlers - the societal equivalent of a blight, the human equivalent of a pit bull, and the functional equivalent of a living bio-weapon. They are the curse that keeps on cursing. They exist as antiquated farm equipment that you cannot let out of your sight lest it kill you, human punji traps that create more of themselves ad infinitum.



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