Dave Landau, Garrett Morrison and Darrin Crowder #transphobia #homophobia #racist mediamatters.org

During the March 17 YouTube livestream[…]Dave Landau and other co-hosts doubled down on the show’s racism, transphobia, and general bigotry.

DAVE LANDAU (GUEST HOST):[…]You guys know Elliot Page? Used to be Ellen Page, now goes by Elliot. She had herself a little surgery[…]
LANDAU: He. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to misgender
LANDAU: He says I'm fully who I am. “It has completely transformed my life"
MORGAN: Or at least my chest. Not the bottom yet. But partially completely
LANDAU: The breasts will be auctioned off on eBay
LANDAU: Congratulations to Captain America. He's now a gay man. But Louder with Crowder has obtained some exclusive new story details[…]He battles against complications arising from sharing his super serum needles
Captain America brought AIDS into this office
MORGAN:[…]We gave the Native Americans a bit of a pass here, right? If you're idolizing these people as just being these peace-loving, wonderful people who had the buffalo and they lived in concert with nature. They actually scalped people, they enslaved one another, and they also practices cannibalism
DARRIN CROWDER (GUEST):[…]At some point, contact would have to be made. At some point[…]This is a nice piece of property, right? Somebody is going to come over here and clash with a society of pantheists that couldn't possibly advance. Their world couldn't advance. And so somebody was going to make sure that that happened
MORGAN: And many of them were actually captured and sold by enemy African tribes, right? So it's like the worst thing you can -- like, “We don't like these guys over here so I got some guys coming in boats, we'll take care of them. We'll just be like, ‘They're witches, take them away,' right?"



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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