People like fucking mathematicians.
Really? Hm... I'm no mathematician but I've seen a differential equation or two in my time. Hey, baby, let's see if our infinite series converge... oh I think this sequence can go on aaaaaaall niiiiiight looooooong... ;-)
I can't handle the stupid.
I guess you must really hate yourself then.
I just always assumed that surely people didn't believe that sex was literally changeable and that males were women.
I mean, that really just goes to show that you don't understand how human biology works and are too fucking arrogant to be bothered with learning why you know less than you think you do. Here's a hint: Sex isn't one thing and many aspects of it are, you know, "literally changeable". As to whether "males" can be women, I'd say that's really more of a philosophical debate than a biological one, but you're clearly not ready for that kind of argument if you don't even know what sex is.
Helen Joyce makes the analogy that in maths if you start with a false statement then you can pseudo-prove anything you like
This isn't math though and it isn't even anything like that, so what's your point? Besides, it's you guys who have all the falsehoods - why not get back to us when you guys are able to even acknowledge any kind of gray area between female and male. Right, I know, you can't. Such facts make your argument fall apart like single-ply toilet paper in a rainstorm so you'll huff and puff about how OBVIOUS it is that MEN ARE MEN AND NOT WOMEN AAAAAAAAAA until you're red in the face as long as you don't have to actually think about your positions.
The men in women's bathrooms, prisons and sports,
That's only happening because of you...
the sterilisation of gay kids
Isn't a thing.
the privileging of self-ID over material reality,
Brains are material. My brain says I'm female. Suck on that.
the entire edifice is built on the LIE that everyone has a gender identity
Uh huh. So, you really don't think that it's possible that a person's brain is wired with something that tells them in some sense what sex they're supposed to be? Really? I just don't understand why this is such a strange concept to some people... except that it goes against *their* "gender ideology". I mean, yeah, some people *don't* have a sense of gender like that, but most people seem to. Most people just don't notice because everything lines up right for them.
and that it's the characteristic around which we need to organise society. It's just a pure lie, it's simply false.
Yes, what you just said is a lie. Who's saying we need to organize society around my gender identity? Just because you can't stop with the constant paranoid fantasies about trans women lurking behind every bush...
Look, trans people exist and we just want to live our lives in peace. If that means trying to fit into the standard binary gender system you love so much, then that's what we gotta do. I can't live my life as a man because I'm not one. You think I'm not a woman? So what? It's the category that fits me best. Treating me like the woman I am doesn't hurt you one bit but it does let me live a minimally bearable life. And really, you'll never ever really be able to tell whether any stranger you meet is really trans or cis. It's just not possible. Just, really think about that, and never have any peace again in your sad little life.
Arguably the whole framework was built to let autogynephiles force everybody to immerse them in a sexual fantasy
Arguably. Yes. So yeah, let's just ignore all the evidence and facts confirming the validity of trans identities because hey this demeaning conspiracy theory that has been refuted time and time again confirms my prejudices. BEING TRANS ISN'T A SEXUAL FANTASY. Why not actually try to understand trans people instead of just parroting this incredibly dumb pseudoscientific bullshit? Cause it really is dumb and wrong. I mean, just soooo dumb.
and the loss of women's and children's rights, bodies, safety, and dignity are
not a thing that accepting and respecting trans people causes.
oof didn't plan to write all that but I needed to get it out
Too bad you weren't wearing your diaper. Look at the mess you made.