VeggieAnnie & Fugacity #dunning-kruger #pratt #transphobia

Rant: But It's so Stupid!

This is truly a rant, it will have no effectiveness out in the world.

I posted about this before, sort of, when I posted a silly poll asking which is worse, How malicious it all is? or How stupid it all is?

I JUST. Cannot. Get. Over. how stupid it all is. I can't forgive people, even my own husband, for not seeing how illogical gender ideology is. It's SO dumb. I can't not hold this against people. I see people into the gender woo (regular people, not teens with mental illnesses, they have their own thing going on) and I think, "oh, ok, you're a moron." It makes me really angry to see so many people say stupid things. People like fucking mathematicians. I can't....they are supposed to be like Helen Joyce and think, "this proof is false."

I can't with people anymore. I can't handle the stupid.

Rant end.

I resonate with this so much. I was never a TRA and my peaking was gradual but I just always assumed that surely people didn't believe that sex was literally changeable and that males were women. Helen Joyce makes the analogy that in maths if you start with a false statement then you can pseudo-prove anything you like - same thing with the whole gender empire.

The men in women's bathrooms, prisons and sports, the sterilisation of gay kids, the privileging of self-ID over material reality, the entire edifice is built on the LIE that everyone has a gender identity and that it's the characteristic around which we need to organise society. It's just a pure lie, it's simply false. Arguably the whole framework was built to let autogynephiles force everybody to immerse them in a sexual fantasy (it's grown into so much more obviously) and the loss of women's and children's rights, bodies, safety, and dignity are collateral damage in the project. God I fucking hate this movement

oof didn't plan to write all that but I needed to get it out



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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