David Pekarek, Robert Konazewski, and Ian Carpenter #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com

(David Pekarek)
Russia is doing what USA did during the cold war and still does today- overthrow elected governments throughout the America's and replace them with brutal right wing dictatorships because USA felt threatened by SSSR influence in USA backyard. USA has done this around the world. So, Maybe direct the anger at those who provoked Russia with continued NATO expansion towards Moscow. Russia gave 20 years of warning to the provocative actions of the west. The moral high ground: USA as invaded more countries and killed more people than Russia since 1991. Russians do perceive NATO as a threat.

(Robert Konazewski)
Ukraine has lost over 800,000 troops and civilians. Getting crushed daily, yet $$$ pours into Zelensky's bank account daily. SAD

(Ian Carpenter)
Germany and that means Austria as well are going to join Russia, whether you like it or not, people don't like being Cold in the Winter time, after Germany goes through a Winter of 1941, they will realize their error and hopefully this will work out so all of Germany is reunited, all the way to Konigsberg



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