Braindamage #crackpot #sexist
[Brutal] Females are literally getting there body parts teared in pieces by Chad( HIGH IQ )
Every time he enters a females wide used hole with his huge dick her hole takes massive damage, it gets very stretched out. If the vagina did not get strected out people would not start having sex in other holes where its not meant to have sex in. This was a quick evolution, females got rights and started fucking everyone then her vagina got loose so chad had to find other holes aka her mouth and ass, and soon these holes will be like a cave aswell and then females will let chad fuck them in their pee holes. Yes you read that right and it has already started soon in 10 years everyone will have it because the vagina will barely work thanks to chad. 100 years ago NONE had any other type of sex than normal vaginal sex. This is a very high iq post so i understand if not everyone understands how brutal nature works