Spencer_Shayy #transphobia ovarit.com

Teachers saying they'd rather be fired than tell parents their children think they're trans should be sacked | The Sun (Julie Bindel)
These teachers really should. It's so creepy how cult-like these fake activist teachers are. Their obsession with "trans kids" is disturbing.

If you believe a child can be born in the wrong body, you aren't qualified to be a teacher. I don't care how experienced or educated you are.

What's worse is these freaks will pretend it's the same thing as outing a homosexual child... while actively encouraging said homosexual children to "transition".

The more I think of these self-proclaimed "educators" who push trans ideology onto students and families, the more disgusted by their blatant evil I become.

It is so OFFENSE to compare a child who's been brainwashed to believe he or she is "trans" to children born with an innate sexual orientation that's been persecuted and demonized for all of time. We are NOT the same.

"The teachers saying they would rather be fired than tell parents their children are presenting as the opposite sex at school consider themselves martyrs. But they are causing harm and should be sacked."

Normally, I hesitate about demanding someone be fired for their beliefs, as I think we all have a right to our own opinions, even if others don't like them, and I know how easily and quickly these punishments open the door for abuse, but in this case, the harm that trans activists are doing to so many people is too much to ignore. These teachers are a genuine danger to children. It'd be one thing if these pseudo religious lunatics just believed in the concept of "gender identity", but they don't. They always have to take it further. They force their ideology on kids, parents, and the rest of society, and ultimately lead some of those kids to cruel, unnecessary physical sterilization and mutilation.

All because THESE TEACHERS couldn't accept a child who didn't conform to rigid gender stereotypes.

100%. Like all other fascists, they seem to believe their evil is for the good of all.



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