“What is it really like to have a trans-identifying child?”
Who gives a flying fuck what YOUR experience is? You’re not the one going through the major change, you’re just incredibly self-centered.
Someone found out my tallest kid is gay. Asked what it’s like having a gay kid. I don’t understand the question. I have three kids. They come to me for money. That’s parenting. Next question.
"It’s the worst feeling you can ever imagine.”
Try burying one you toxic waste of someone else’s sperm.
“Your child, who you raised and loved,”
Past tense? Fuck you with barbed wire wrapped around a baseball bat.
“now tells you everything you knew about them is wrong,”
Um, that happens a lot. To a lot of us. They grow up. You can no longer make them laugh with booger jokes.
It’s parenting.
“even when you know you are right.”
Holy fuck, you’re wrong on a fractal scale.
“You are the parent, after all, charged with the most important job of your lifetime— raising your child to be a healthy responsible adult.”
By ‘healthy’ you mean ‘cishet.’
"Now you can’t do that.”
You CAN unless your kid’s life is just an accessory to your self-image.
“You know in your head this is wrong but everyone around you tells you, you must affirm.”
It’s your kid’s life. You wanna be part of it? or is that going to be too costly to your life?
“The doctors are atrocious. They have no sympathy for you.”
You’re not their patient.
And when you ignore research of the last 200 years to insist ’It’s not REAL’ they have no reason to have sympathy.
"You are on the same level as a murderer, likely to cause the death of your fragile child.”
And you take this as an attack, not a warning.
Go get the baseball bat again.
“You will never see such disregard or disrespect as a parent, as you do when you question trans ideology when it comes to your child.”
Well, it would depend on WHY you question it. You clearly are just saying ‘ME ME ME!’ over and over.
"Your feelings don’t matter. They no longer carry weight, even though, just the day before you were a respected member of society and in your social circles.”
I shaved off my eyebrows in high school and my sister DIED, simply DIED of mortification because of how it reflected on her.
She wasn’t even part of the thought process that got me there. But she could have DIED that day.
“You will be told you need to get over it.”
“You’re the problem.”
Well, you’re certainly not part of the solution, are you?
“You have a daughter now. Accept it, or your child will kill “herself”. And it will be your fault.”
I’ve had shipmates throw their kids out of the house for being pregnant, for getting a girl pregnant, for pierced ears, for dating a black kid, for saying ‘lent’ was bullshit. THEY all came to regret it and repent their anger. Sometimes too late. But you’re just tear your clothes and whine that ‘now everyone will blame ME for their choice.’
“Your friends shun you. Your family blames you. You’re lucky if your spouse is on the same page. You have no one. You imagine killing yourself to escape.”
Suicide? To harm everyone around you that took the girl’s side? Is there anything MORE selfish that you could do?
"Meanwhile, your child changes their name at school, and receives the accolades of the school staff.:
Living her life without you, without your input, without your blessing. A choice YOU made.
Phuck ALL the way off.