various commenters #racist #conspiracy #pratt

J*******: The biggest concern with black America to me as a black American, is Unity. If we can do commerce with one another at many levels whether its a connivence store, beauty supply business, or any other type we would be fine. Unity and mutual respect will defeat what ever the racism effect does in 2024. This is harsh but true we are brainwashed to not trust each other. The church plays a big role in that. Along with the Democratic party.

David Garret: For starters, white males are 4th on the economic list behind Asian men, Indian men and Asian females. Are white people being subjected to systemic racism? How does the systemic racism know to skip black families that have two parents in the household? That demographic is on par with the rest of America. Perhaps we should focus on inner city culture. They celebrate criminality, the frown upon academic excellence, there is little presence by the fathers and crime is going so unchecked, we are loosing major cities. Stop externalizing the problem

Denise Gaarder: my co-worker and I earn exactly the same amount. Her sone got free tuition for college because he is black but I am paying parent plus loans for what was not covered by scholarships for my daughters education. So who is benefiting? it has been over 150 years since slavery ended. When are people going to have to be responsible for their own success or lack of it?

j sam: Its funny how half of the country believes that only minority populations deal with racial discrimination. In fact its become ok for minorities to spew hateful racist garbage to the world because its about white people. If we stop looking for racism it becomes a lot harder to find. By labeling everything as racist, not only are we cheapening the effect of true racism but we also are breeding what was once referred to as reverse racism. Teaching children that everything is racist will only continue the hate.



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