sophisticles #wingnut #transphobia

[In response to someone saying “Your biology degree means literally nothing if you think it gives you free reign to hate on and discriminate against people just because they go against your so-called "beliefs". Not everything has to involve science. Also, people who transition know full well that they can't change their biological sex characteristics. That isn't the point.”]

Liberals, the joke that keeps on giving.

Liberalism is gutless, spineless and mindless, if reason and intellect leave the room Liberalism is left behind to run the show.

Liberalism is a new modern religion, just like any of the organized religions, they adhere to sets of beliefs that fall apart upon any examination yet the adherents demand that everyone accept their silly beliefs as if they are actual facts.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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