schizomode #sexist #psycho

The Coronavirus quarantine is making me go batshit insane.

All the normie couples (or chad hook-ups idk) surrounding my tiny apartment block are all at home surrounding me, and until today I've just been hearing them constantly have sex, constantly reminding me of my genetic inferiority. Earlier today a particularly loud couple was having sex in an apartment across the courtyard from me. I just opened up the window and screamed "HEY SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH." It actually fucking worked. I didn't hear anything else from them or anyone else in the apartment for the rest of the day.

I feel like I got a HUGE surge of autistic, raging testosterone for the rest of the day just from the minor victory. I walked to the supermarket and two different times I called a tall, skinny chadlite faggot to their face as I passed them. For literally no reason at all except being angry at the world. Both times they just were really shocked and didn't have any reaction. I'm a gymcel and I think I could take each of them, but holy shit am I being a dumbass.

I thought I was already in the acceptance phase of the Black Pill, but I think I might be going full retardragemode, just because it's exciting and delusionally vindicating. I'll always treat male manlets, curries, asians, and most blacks with utmost respect. Fuck everyone else.



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