(Anonymous Coward 79348113)
Gays using the Rainbow as their symbol is the Devil using them as a middle finger to GOD
God mad a promise to man never to flood Earth again as long as there is a rainbow man will not be harmed again.
Now these Deviants are tempting God again but using the MOst secret symbol GOd created to show his love for Mankind.
like many evil entities, they cannot create something new,
so they take and re-use something already there.
they pervert things and people.
Gays using the Rainbow as their symbol is the Devil using them as a middle finger to GOD
God mad a promise to man never to flood Earth again as long as there is a rainbow man will not be harmed again.
Now these Deviants are tempting God again but using the MOst secret symbol GOd created to show his love for Mankind.
Because somehing can’t just symbolise different arbitrary things to different groups of people. No, all groups using it as a symbol are secetly referencing the arbitrary meaning MY group assigned to them! It’s all about me! ME!!!
Also, the rainbow is a natural phenomenon completely explainable by known physics. What changes did God do to reality, or at least to the atmospheric conditions on Earth, that it became possible for rainbows to occur when they prevuizsly could not?
like many evil entities, they cannot create something new,
so they take and re-use something already there.
they pervert things and people.
Shiny mirror is shiny.
Gays using the Rainbow as their symbol is the Devil using them as a middle finger to GOD We don’t know or care about you or your imaginary friends. Get over yourself.
Most secret? It's bliterally the most publicly declared symbol as per judaism. Anyway, there is nothing new under the sun, and being gay is nothing new anyway.
This is Christians claiming ownership over one of the oldest phenomena of optical physics (re: refraction in optical spheres). Like many evil groups, they cannot create something new, only claim that which already existed.
For the last few years, there have been special edition large bags of Skittles with designs by LGBT artists promoting Pride Month.
You can take the matter up with the legal department of Mars, OP.
So why hasn't your 'God' done anything against this very large confectionery company...?!
...oh, and what was done by the Ministry of Defence in Whitehall when they finally eliminated their equivalent of DADT:
I guess it's not only the invention of the LED which ensures that the Creation are now superior to the Creator, eh?! All those Challenger II Iron Chariots that the MoD have in their arsenal...! [/Judges 1:19]
@AnonymousCoward #56029
This is Christians claiming ownership over one of the oldest phenomena of optical physics (re: refraction in optical spheres). Like many evil groups, they cannot create something new, only claim that which already existed.
So does that mean that every group that has come up with a myth about the origin of a natural phenomenon is evil?
@Spacewyrm #56121
This is conflating "claiming ownership" with "having a myth". Lots of groups have myths about things without attacking others when they try to have a different myth or alternate symbology.
Like, I'm really GD gay, but I don't object to the rainbow bring used as a symbol of "God's nonpology", it's just when they say I can't use it in different contexts as a symbol.of inclusiveness that the fists come out.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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