David J. Stewart #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot stewart1611.blogspot.com

I was disgusted today when I heard the news: Newly appointed U.S. President Joe Biden taps Skull & Bones kingpin, former senator John Kerry, to new National Security Role focused on Climate Change! Global Warming is a massive hoax!

Former U.S. President George W. Bush was a war criminal, whose administration orchestrated 911, then lied our country into an illegal war based on false allegations of Weapons Of Mass Destruction, murdering 1,455,590 innocent Iraqis. Now Skull & Bones' member John Kerry is coming to power! John Kerry and George W. Bush are in fact distant cousins. I could be wrong, but I cannot help but wonder if President Trump is putting on a big show. They have to make it all look legitimate. Professor G. Edward Griffin explains how communists control both sides of the political process. Senator Joe Biden was likely decided upon long ago to become our nation's next U.S. President in 2021.
National security threat? I don't like the sound of that at all. Kerry's rhetoric sounds like key words for a coming Police State crackdown! What crisis? John Coleman was a career meteorologist, who called Global Warming a massive hoax! I fully agree with him. So, when I hear that a high profile Skull & Bones member like John Kerry, is being given a new position of power in the U.S. government, to combat a blatant scientific fraud, it can only mean that this is just another POWER GRAB by the Luciferian Globalists! Who do you think is behind the Coronavirus pandemic? I have my suspicions.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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