
David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy stewart1611.blogspot.com

Billy Graham has woefully confused service with salvation (confused discipleship with sonship), mixing the two, which is another gospel that cannot produce the new birth by the Holy Spirit of God. One of my very favorite quotes, comes from one of my favorite Gospel preachers, John Bunyan:

“If you do not put a difference between justification wrought by the man Christ without and sanctification wrought by the Spirit of Christ within, you are not able to divide the Word aright; but contrariwise, you corrupt the Word of God, and cast stumbling blocks before the people.” —John Bunyan (1628-1688)

That is brilliant! Every pastor and every layman should memorize that precious quote, as I have also. John Bunyan fully understood the free grace Gospel. Bunyan understood that the fruit produced by the indwelling Holy Spirit (aka, the Spirit of Christ) was a matter of sanctification, and not of justification. The heresy of Lordship Salvation confuses people by combining sanctification with justification.

Tragically, both Pensacola Christian College (PCC) and Bob Jones University (BJU) today teach the Devil's lie that: “Justification, sanctification and glorification are a package deal which cannot be separated.” There has never been a bigger lie! What PCC and BJU are teaching are the exact opposite of the truth which John Bunyan tried to get across to humanity—the simple Bible truth that if we do not keep sanctification separate from justification, we will corrupt the Word of God and cast stumbling blocks before the people. That is what is happening all across the world today, especially in America.

David J. Stewart #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

Beware Of Bad Role Model Taylor Swift

Numbers 25:1-5, “And Israel abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab. And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods. And Israel joined himself unto Baal-peor: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel. And the LORD said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel. And Moses said unto the judges of Israel, Slay ye every one his men that were joined unto Baal-peor. ”

This is what singer Taylor Swift is doing. She is a daughter of Moab and drawing millions of people (including ignorant Christians) in to worship their gods Baalpeor at her wicked concerts (or via a livestream). Case in point is her recent Eras Tour, and her wicked music video Willow where she literally summons devils.

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie #conspiracy #kinkshaming stewart1611.blogspot.com

Over 90% of American women have little to no morals. They take off 95% of their clothes at the beach, or wherever there is water, causing ungodly men and lesbian women to lust. Ninety-nine percent of American men will commit fornication or adultery if given the chance. The Luciferian elite lurking behind the scenes to corrupt America's families have sexualized the United States. Read the prolific words of former retired Canadian Navy commander, William Guy Carr (1895-1959):

“Lust is sexual desire outside the Natural Law of God. Therefore Christ Himself seems to have confirmed that Satan was lustful and is father of the Synagogue of Satan as those who are Satanists teach and believe. Satanists have always used sex-bribery and the depravities and perversions of sex to obtain control of men and women they wished to use to further the secret plans of their diabolical conspiracy. Satanism makes a God of sex. They worship the human body because of its sexual abilities. When men and women prove they are unyielding to all other forms of devilish temptation, they often fall as the result of becoming involved in illicit relationships and perversions. Did not David commit abominable sexual crimes, including incest?” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Satan: Prince Of This World, by Commander William Guy Carr, p. 22

I highly recommend that you read William Guy Carr's numerous books. Satanists teach that Satan had sex with Eve in the Garden of Eden (which claim I totally disagree with). Satanist's entire belief system is rooted in human debasing with sex-perversion. Thus, Satanism and sex are inseparable. With this disturbing truth in mind from Commander Carr, it will become obvious to you just how evil and dangerous the sensual, promiscuous and sexualizing music videos of Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Carrie Underwood and thousands of other Satanic servants are! We are now living in Sodom and Gomorrha on earth in America!!! We truly have become The Great Satan.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia stewart1611.blogspot.com

I miss the 1970's, when there were no microwaves, no cellphones, no credit cards, no cameras all over public places, no internet tracking of everywhere you go, there was no public internet until the 1990's came! The 1970's was a simple time still in the United States. Where I lived in Chicago, people used string to section off their front garden. Move ahead 30 years later and everybody has tall chainlink fences around their lawns, with warning signs that threaten they'll call police.

Adults are no longer permitted to enter or sit in public playground without a child with them, and if you do people will wonder if you're a pedophile, call the police, and you will be arrested and fined. This is what our nation has succumbed and descended to. Homosexuals have come out of the closet and are quickly preparing the stage for the coming Man of Sin, the Antichrist.

David J. Stewart #fundie #psycho #god-complex stewart1611.blogspot.com

Years ago I had attempted to move from Guam to Hilo, Hawaii. It was very important that I find a doctor in Hilo who could and would prescribe my needed pain medications. I found and called a chiropractor in Hilo to inquire. The receptionist on the phone assured me that the doctor could prescribe my needed drugs, and that he was licensed as a chiropractor to administer pain medications. I was so delighted. Well, she lied to me! When I arrived in Hilo, the chiropractor not only said that he couldn't prescribe drugs, but didn't even know where to send me!

I kindly explained to the woman, and a female co-worker in the office, what pain and grief she had caused me. I explained that I forgave her because I am a Christian, but she should be careful in the future about giving out false information. It hurt more than I can express in words, when she and her co-worker laughed behind my back as I walked away, making a joke. I wanted to turn back and yell at them. I thought about going back during the night and slamming a big brick through their clinic window. But I realized that I would likely end up in jail, and it would just add insult to my injury.

So, I gave that crime (and it was a crime in God's eyes) committed by those two females to God for judgment. If the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God, then according to Matthew 12:36 those women are in big trouble with God. They have no idea the wasted money, time, grief and suffering that she caused me, by giving wrong information. And then she laughs at me, like it's all a big joke! I pray for God to avenge me thoroughly! Matthew 18:6, “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” I long for the day to see that cruel woman again in eternity, and God judges her for not caring, for her attitude of indifference, for taking my calamity that she caused as if it were a laughing matter! Oh how the tears will flow! Oh how the wicked will shudder in horror, as their sins (even their hurtful words) are held against them in God's court.

David J. Stewart #fundie #transphobia stewart1611.blogspot.com

When Mr. Trump was U.S. President, he rightly banned transgendered people from serving in the military, because it undermines the moral integrity of our soldiers. The first thing Joe Biden did as U.S. President was overturn that law, allowing transgendered people to serve in the armed forces. It was in December of 2011 that U.S. President Barack Obama decriminalized our soldiers having sex with animals. Isn't that sick? Soldiers can mount an animal now. God will not bless this wickedness!!! Anyway, that is a different blog for another day. Our nation is going down faster each year morally, forgetting the holy God of the Holy Bible. Oh how we need citywide revivals in our nation once again, as it was a century ago.

David J. Stewart #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot stewart1611.blogspot.com

I was disgusted today when I heard the news: Newly appointed U.S. President Joe Biden taps Skull & Bones kingpin, former senator John Kerry, to new National Security Role focused on Climate Change! Global Warming is a massive hoax!

Former U.S. President George W. Bush was a war criminal, whose administration orchestrated 911, then lied our country into an illegal war based on false allegations of Weapons Of Mass Destruction, murdering 1,455,590 innocent Iraqis. Now Skull & Bones' member John Kerry is coming to power! John Kerry and George W. Bush are in fact distant cousins. I could be wrong, but I cannot help but wonder if President Trump is putting on a big show. They have to make it all look legitimate. Professor G. Edward Griffin explains how communists control both sides of the political process. Senator Joe Biden was likely decided upon long ago to become our nation's next U.S. President in 2021.
National security threat? I don't like the sound of that at all. Kerry's rhetoric sounds like key words for a coming Police State crackdown! What crisis? John Coleman was a career meteorologist, who called Global Warming a massive hoax! I fully agree with him. So, when I hear that a high profile Skull & Bones member like John Kerry, is being given a new position of power in the U.S. government, to combat a blatant scientific fraud, it can only mean that this is just another POWER GRAB by the Luciferian Globalists! Who do you think is behind the Coronavirus pandemic? I have my suspicions.

David J. Stewart #fundie #dunning-kruger #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

Parents who enroll their youth into a state university are feeding their children to the WOLVES! The level of temptation is beyond comprehension in today's ungodly public and state universities. And for that matter, Bible colleges have sadly become a big scam as well...

I was utterly disgusted by what I saw when I attended Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College. Pastor Jeff Redlin is a little man, with a small heart, selfish and abusive toward suffering people. When I told him I was sleeping in Walmart's parking lot, he coldly walked away. When I told him I was divorced and hoping to find a wife, he shamefully mistreat me, scolding me as a 54 year old man for hoping to find a wife at church. What a rotten person!
Parents, if you love your child, do not enroll them into the Devil's college! Save your money. I am not an expert on college advice, but I am a Bible preacher. I would rather be as ignorant as a box of hair, and as uneducated as former war-criminal President George W. Bush, than to be an educated intellectual eating at the Devil's table in a state college.
Also, I am 100% against young women going into the military. Many commit the sin of fornication, adultery, get pregnant and some raped in the Armed Forces. Search the internet if you doubt what I say. However, once they have done so, I always support our troops (unless they go murder innocent people like they did in the Iraqi War). This is why I strongly discourage young people from enrolling in the military. You may be required to go murder innocent people, or face court-martial. You WILL be subjected to the foulest filthy language, perverse jokes and ungodly behavior imaginable. You WILL be screamed and yelled at by your drill instructor, who will use vulgarity beyond your imagination. I'm just giving you a heads-up. Is that what is best for a young Christian man? I think not.

David J. Stewart #sexist #crackpot #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

God didn't create you [women] to become a soldier in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia. I am so sick of hearing about the epidemic of fornication in the military. Women don't belong with men in the military. The U.S. military courts can pass all the laws they want to, in an effort to discourage sexual harassment of women soldiers, but immorality and attacks will always exist as long as females train, bunk and serve alongside male soldiers. It is ridiculous! Call me old-fashioned, but I'm also 100% right!

It has become popular in these difficult economic times, for Bible colleges to offer nursing programs for young Christian women. The fraudulent central banking system in the United States, has destroyed our economy, eroding the value of the dollar by 82% since 1971 (when President Nixon took our nation completely off the gold standard). The reckless printing of tens of trillions of dollars out of nothing (money that no on ever earned), and then lending that money to Americans in the form of debt owed, has driven inflation sky-high, forcing the middle-class into poverty.

Consequently, many parents nowadays want their daughters protected financially, and a nursing career gives them that self-sufficient protection. As a father of three daughters myself, I completely understand. However, God didn't create you ladies to become a nurse. God made you to become a HELPMEET for a man. What saith the Scripture? 1st Timothy 5:14-15, “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan.” Kindly said, if you are a Bob Jones University female nursing graduate, and you are already in your 30's and not married, and at least trying to bear children, you are turned aside after Satan! I didn't say that, God did in the Scripture passage we just read!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #dunning-kruger #crackpot stewart1611.blogspot.com

To educate a child without acknowledging God as the Creator of all things, is to produce another educated fool in society. ...

Dear reader, God invented math. God invented music. It is not a coincidence that there are seven notes in a diatonic music scale. There are seven colors in a rainbow. There are seven days in a week. The mathematician Alex Bellos asked 44,000 people to name their favorite number and over 4,000 of them named the number 7, far more than any other number. Indeed, ask people to name a number from one to ten and many will name the number seven—as many magicians know. Seven is God's number, and therefore also my favorite number.

If I were to teach a class on math, I would base the entire course on the Holy Bible. The Bible is filled with math, from the dimensions of Noah's ark to the number of the coming Beast, 666. I would absolutely refuse to ever teach any class in which I was prohibited to include God in the curriculum. You simply couldn't pay me enough money to teach children in a public school, and I mean that with all my heart. It will be a cold day in Hell before I ever allow anyone to hinder me from including my blessed Creator in whatever subject I was teaching, I don't care if it was auto repair or computer science. To educate a youth without God is to create a ticking time-bomb in their adult life...

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut stewart1611.blogspot.com

I cannot watch Nikki de Jager's YouTube videos without feel righteous anger. That is why I don't watch them, except to expose them as being of the Devil. If you can watch these sick videos and not feel angry toward sin, you are not right with God, far from it in fact. Ephesians 4:19, “Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.” This passage of Scripture describes and indicts Nikki de Jager (who is an effeminate male in case you didn't know). I am not condemning Nikki for his sins (which no one has a right to do), I am taking a Biblical stand against homosexuality, masculine women, feminine men and all manner of sexual immorality. We don't have a right to condemn anyone, because we are all guilty sinners, each and every last one of us! The law of God condemns sinners (Romans 3:19-20).
Satan is the god of this sinful world. Young people are being sinfully indoctrinated nowadays with the lie that it is okay to be a homosexual, but it is not okay according to the Bible (Romans 1:24-32; Leviticus 20:13). The ungodly Huffington Post is a strongly pro-homosexual media outlet, who openly condemn Bible-believing Christians, accusing us of misinterpreting the Scriptures. The truth is that the ungodly people who own and write for the Huffington Post hate Jesus Christ, despise Bible preachers, love sin and are already condemned by God (John 3:18, 36). The Huffington Post are relentlessly doing everything in their power to legitimize homosexuality, and demonizing God-fearing Christians who oppose them. God's judgment is upon ANYONE who supports the Devil's LGBTQ agenda in any way. Not me buddy, not for a second, and I'll preach against any sinful group or person that does. Liberals, Marxists and ungodly sinners are forcing their sick-minded agendas on the rest of us.
Homosexuality is a sin. No one is born “that way,” it is a choice, like any other sin. God doesn't make mistakes dear reader. If even one human being has ever been born a homosexual, then God is unjust, perverse and a cruel God.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

The happiest marriages are preceded by a proper courtship period. Waiting is what makes getting married so awesome and fulfilling. When couples have physical intimacy outside of marriage, the sacredness of the marriage bed is gone, cheapened, innocence is forever gone, and the special meaning of intimacy will never be the same. Satan knows this and wants to kill, steal and destroy your happiness. I cannot think of anything more sad, than a woman marrying the man of her dreams, having only a defiled body to offer him, handled by unholy hands by some bum who used her as a dog peeing on a fire-hydrant. That cannot happen to you if you get legally married first.

Since situations lead to temptation, a couple ought never be alone together until they get married. We need a revival of the importance of little things in America. The ungodly world scoffs at the idea of abstinence from drinking booze at all, but the fact is you cannot take two drinks of you don't take the first. The heathen world scoffs at the idea that women ought not wear pants. But there wouldn't be so many broken marriages and abortions if women clothed themselves properly. The way a woman dresses has a profound impact upon her behavior (1st Timothy 2:9). When I see a woman in a long modest dress, my first impression is that she is a Christian who loves God and righteousness. A woman in pants tells me that morality doesn't mean much to her, and that she doesn't care or understand how the man's mind works. You have no idea ladies of what goes through a man's mind when he sees a woman's buttocks and thighs. If you did, you'd either be scared or it would thrill your perverse soul.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #psycho stewart1611.blogspot.com

Our wicked nation mocks God. Whereas God requires the death penalty (Leviticus 22:14), in the state of Maryland there is a fine for $10 for adultery. It makes me angry. It is wickedness that Americans are so tolerant of wickedness (legalized abortion, legalized homosexual marriages, sodomites adopting children, smut everywhere we turn, corporate theft, et cetera). As a God-fearing Christian I find myself sometimes praying imprecatory prayers (prayers for God to punish the wicked). David prayed for God to knock someone's teeth out! Psalms 58:6, “Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth: break out the great teeth of the young lions, O LORD.” I sometimes long to see God's hand of severe judgment fall upon America for our wickedness! This is normal for a righteous person to feel.

However, Jesus didn't come into the world to condemn the world (John 3:17), but to save it (Luke 19:10). I admit that a part of me wants to see the fiery one hour anhelation of the United States, which I believe is prophesied in Revelation chapter 18. We sure deserve it! America spits on the holy God of the Bible. Since 1973 Americans have murdered 60,000,000 human lives by abortion. It is wickedness! So says the Word of God (Exodus 20:13). Albeit, Jesus told His disciples not to pray for fire and brimstone to come down upon the wicked…

David J. Stewart #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

We live in a generation of cowardly preachers today! I'm talking about the big cowards at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. Pastor Gary Walton is a shameful coward with no balls! I saw him at Home Depot in September of 2020 and he pulled his cart away from me three times, to make room for my cart. I thought he was going to pee on himself. I just smiled and said: “Thank you.” Although I was a gentleman, as I always am, I could see the fear on his face, as he cowered when I turned the corner with my shipping cart. All I ever wanted was for Pastor Walton to allow me to come back to attend church, but he couldn't even handle that.

I'm talking about shameful former Harvest Baptist Church pastor, Marty Herron, who in my humble opinion is more wimpy than the cowardly lion in The Wizard Of Oz. The man didn't even have the decency to tell me the truth. In front of my family in 2014, he lied to my face. He said: “You're a hard guy to get a hold of!” The truth is that I am on permanent disability and am home 99% of the time! That liar didn't even knock once on my door to invite me back to Harvest Baptist Church, and he lied under pressure, knowing that he doesn't care, and didn't want me to return. Marty Herron is a no good coward! I hope he reads this.

God knows that I don't hate anybody. I just can't stand a religious coward who stands behind a pulpit! Why don't they be real men and go get a secular job, instead of parasiting off of Christianity, pretending that they care? They don't care, which is why I am writing like this!

David J. Stewart #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam where I live is a spiritual morgue!!! The church began to die after they drove me out in 2014. When they rejected the truth of the Gospel I showed them, God's hand of blessing was removed. A church cannot reject THE TRUTH and expect to be blessed by God. I plainly showed them THE TRUTH that Lordship Salvation is of the Devil, but they wouldn't listen to wisdom. I plainly showed them that the modern Bible revisions are Devil's bibles, but they refused to listen to THE TRUTH. I freely gave them good books, written by Fundamentalist preachers, but they scorned me and the books. I plainly showed them that Martin Luther (1483-1546) taught the lie of Baptismal Regeneration all his life, but they still insisted that Mr. Luther is a born-again Christian. Why are they so stupid?

I'll tell you why, because they are scared little boys, cowards, who are afraid to go against their peers in the clergy, lest they be ostracized and put outside the gate with Jesus (like I have been ostracized and rejected by the ungodly Harvest Baptist Church on Guam since 2014). My blood is on their theologically incompetent hands. Where dwelleth the love of God? The Bob Jones' crowd know nothing of God's love. They are a bunch of yuppie types, who only love their own, operating the local church like a social club (us four and no more).

Jesus warned us about these evil types of religious phonies, who make their own rules. Neo-evangelicals have dozens of different Bible revisions, calling people like me and Pastor Jack Hyles “a cult,” because we still believe in the infallibility and inspiration of a perfect King James Bible! Amen and amen!

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

I sympathize with anyone who is married to an abusive spouse. I am not condoning any type of marital abuse, God forbid. I have heard plenty of horror stories myself. But where does a married person draw the line? What is considered “abuse?” How much abuse justifies the so-called “breaking point” to justify a divorce? I knew a kind man whom I worked with for 4 years, in the late 1980's, who said that he never abused his wife during their 6 year marriage. He said that he raised his voice just one time at her, and she was all it took for her to divorce him! I have heard bitter women suggest that married women file for divorce for name calling. I am not defending those type of things, but for someone who wants out of a marriage, they can demonize their spouse for anything.
I keep hearing angry women demonize husbands for looking at smut on the internet, or in girly magazines; but our American government sanctions these very evils. What hypocrisy! I heard a woman say, who divorced her husband, that he looked at smut (I don't want to use the word to avoid being censored). She was attempting to justify her decision to divorce, based on something that is perfectly legal in America (which is shameful and needs to be harshly dealt with and criminalized). I wish the U.S. government would shut down every smutty website, every sensual music video, every filthy magazine, hellish H.B.O. movies, and Hollywood (who all promote that garbage).

Kindly said, American women today are angry, bitter and empowered by the courts! It is open season on men these days. Women are ready to divorce if they don't get the treatment they think they deserve! So what they do is magnify extreme cases of abuse in order to promote their agenda. We have seen this happen with abortion ever since Roe vs. Wade, hearing about the elusive woman with a coat-hanger in some back alley. Yet, not one such incident has ever been medically documented. Yet, abortionists use such extreme and bizarre fallacious stories to justify keeping abortion legal. Abortion is first-degree premeditated murder!

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

The Bible teaches in 1st Corinthians 7:1-3 that everyone should be married, to prevent fornication. The exception is if someone believes God has given them a “gift” of being single (1st Corinthians 7:7). Sometimes people ask me how to deal with sexual sins. I simply tell them to get married.
Now, you can talk to ten different preachers and get ten different interpretations of the Scripture. Being as honest as I can, and true to the Scriptures, I don't think God ever wants anyone to get divorced. God hates divorce (i.e., “putting away” - Malachi 2:16; Jeremiah 3:20). I do not believe that there are any legitimate grounds for a divorce. Pastor Jack Hyles and Dr. John R. Rice believed that in the case of adultery, divorce was permitted. I humbly and respectfully disagree. Matthew 19:9, “And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.” Now, I could be wrong in my understanding of the Scriptures, but this verse says “fornication,” not adultery. I agree with Pastor Steven Anderson that Jesus was simply reiterating the Old Testament teaching, that if a man married a woman, but then found out she wasn't a virgin, the marriage was a fraud and could be nullified because of fornication.

I am not telling anyone who is divorced that it is okay to get remarried.
People don't even think twice these days about filing for divorce. Jesus foretold in Matthew 24:37-39 that in the end times, conditions would return as they were before the flood of Noah's time, when people flippantly went from one failed marriage to another. Divorce is a very horrible sin! Our ungodly U.S. government ought not permit divorce. In places like the Philippians and Vietnam, divorce is not permitted. I say Amen!!! Proverbs 13:10, “Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.”

David J. Stewart #fundie #racist #conspiracy stewart1611.blogspot.com

The controlled ungodly American newsmedia have openly and unquestionably accepted the homosexual agenda. In a disturbing sermon clip, revealing just how far gone America has become, Pastor Clarence Sexton rightly refutes the demonic Black Lives Matter movement. In their official manifesto, Black Lives Matter are calling for the destruction of the traditional family, and the promotion of the LGBTQ agenda. They are calling for the disruption of the nuclear family (in their own words). They want to promote sin, filth, anarchy and rebellion (all core elements of Marxist communism).
There is not a more wicked, anti-American, foolish, evil and destructive organization than Black Lives Matter! Shame on all of the companies who gave them money. What is wrong with you people? How naïve and foolish can you be with your company's money? All lives matter, which is not the message of BLM. As we have seen from the group's hateful terrorist words and actions—burning down department stores, police stations and wrecking people's livelihoods—BLM are willing to murder, hurt and destroy anyone who doesn't meet their thug demands!

Thankfully, there is a holy God in Heaven, Who cannot be intimidated, bullied or swayed by punks with matches, magic markers and homemade cocktail bombs. BLM is not about love, caring or being a responsible citizen, it is about forcing other people through violence to do what they think is right. Any society that refuses to be governed by God, will be ruled over by tyrants!

David J. Stewart #fundie #magick #crackpot #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

Kundalini Yoga Is Of The Devil!

I recently ran across a book entitled, "KUNDALINI, THE MOTHER-POWER" (1992). The author is SRI CHINMOY (ISBN 0-88497-104-X). This article I am writing is intended for research purposes. All my writings are FREE for you to use for the Lord.
Sri begins by claiming that god is "both" a mother and father to us. Sri says: "The Kundalini power is the power of the supreme goddess, the power of the mother aspect of the divine." The Bible never mentions any such thing. There is NO feminine side of God presented in the Bible. I am not a male-chauvinist, but I am not going to corrupt the word of God to appease a political agenda either. God chose the woman to continue His divine creation—There is no greater honor than to be the mother of one of God's little creations. This whole thing of equal rights has been blown way out of proportion. Most men and women simply don't understand the Bible—at all!

Their is nothing inferior about submitting to authority. Jesus submitted to the Heavenly Father while upon this earth, but He was not inferior in any way. Likewise, a Godly woman who obeys her husband is not inferior in any way. The only one inferior may be the husband who is abusive and fails to love his wife with kindness, respect and appreciation. Many women feel it is degrading to even think about OBEYING a husband—This is unfortunate. God has created us all equally IN HIS IMAGE.

David J. Stewart #fundie #crackpot stewart1611.blogspot.com

Now if the very words of God must be pure, and if in fact the King James Bible contains the preserved words of God, then any other words are not the words of God. This means that the Revised Version is not precious seed because it is not incorruptible. This means that the Good News for Modern Man is not precious seed, because it is not incorruptible. This means that the Living Bible is not precious seed because it is not incorruptible. This means that the Reader's Digest Bible is not precious seed, because it is not incorruptible. This means that the New King James Bible is not precious seed because it is not incorruptible. This means that the New Scofield Bible is not precious seed, because it is not incorruptible. This means that the New International Version (NIV) is not precious seed, and it is not incorruptible. This means that the American Standard Version is not precious seed because it is not incorruptible. If the versions do not agree, then all of them cannot be the very words of God that have been preserved for us.
Can a person then be born again from it? You answer that question. According to I Peter 1:23 we read, "Being born again, not of corruptible seed...." Then, if corruptible seed is used, one cannot be born again. I have a conviction as deep as my soul that every English-speaking person who has ever been born again was born of incorruptible seed; that is, the King James Bible. Does that mean that if someone goes soul winning and takes a false Bible that the person who receives Christ is not saved? I believe with all of my soul that the incorruptible seed must have been used somewhere in that person's life. If all a person has ever read is the Revised Standard Version, he cannot be born again, because corruptible seed is used, and I Peter 1:23 is very plain to tell us that a person cannot be born again of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible seed, and it explains that that incorruptible seed is the Word of God, and it explains that it liveth and abideth forever.
The perfect Word of God must be used if a person grows in grace.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia stewart1611.blogspot.com

Deuteronomy 5:11, “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” Hollywood has much blood on their hands. Movie directors' Ridley Scott, Jim Cameron and Steven Spielberg are the biggest perpetrators of the slander: “God damn!” These blasphemous words are heard in all of the Jurassic Park series. These sinful words are heard in all of the Alien series. Deuteronomy 5:11, “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.”

Hollywood makes light of sin! Actors get paid money to lay on top of each other, kiss and do what only legally married people should do in the privacy of their bedroom. They are blaspheming the Word of God in more ways than just cursing in his holy name. And now sodomy and lesbianism saturates Hollywood and Walt Disney's films. God's judgment won't sleep forever. A day of reckoning is coming! Hollywood actors all know that to “make it big” in the movie business, the clothes much come off, and actors are expected to debase themselves. In the 1997 ungodly movie Starship Troopers, the actors were required to strip down butt naked to be filmed for the movie. Director Paul Verhoeven also stripped down to his birthday suit (the suit you were wearing when you came out of your mother's womb).
I cringe every time that I hear someone take my dear Savior's name in vain. I admittedly like watching the Jurassic Park movie series. I also like the Star Trek movie series by atheist Gene Roddenberry. William Shatner (aka, Captain Kirk from Iowa, also an atheist) repeatedly curses in the Lord's name in the movie. I hold my ears when that part of the movie comes, because I don't want to hear ungodly people cursing my precious God's name. I literally place my hands over my ears sometimes, because I don't want to hear it.

David J. Stewart #fundie #mammon stewart1611.blogspot.com

I recently heard a Baptist pastor tell his small congregation in a stern tone: “I don't want or need your money, God meets my needs!” Humbly said, that is a foolish thing for a pastor to say. Why is he even talking about “I”? The church belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Head of the Church (Ephesians 4:15; 5:23). Each saint comprises the Body of Christ. The selfish pronoun “I” has no place in the local New Testament church! What that pastor is foolishly saying is that it is his personal church, and not God's church. The Bible says that God purchased the Church with His own blood (Acts 20:28).

The pastor in question has labored diligently for the past few years, now receiving about 25 people in attendance on Sundays. Kindly said, it doesn't surprise me that the church is stagnant and hasn't grown over the years, with an ungrateful pastor who expresses ingratitude toward the people who financially give money to the church. Our attitude very much determines our altitude. God will not bless a church unless the pastor commits that ministry wholly to the Lord Jesus Christ! It is the Lord's church, nobody else's. No pastor ought ever tell his congregation: “I don't want or need your money, God meets my needs!” That is the way an ungrateful man talks! You won't find Paul talking that way in the Bible.

David J. Stewart #wingnut #conspiracy stewart1611.blogspot.com

Since about 1980, inflation has continue to skyrocket upward, while livable wages have hardly increased at all. The central banks cause income inequality, forcing many of the middleclass into homelessness. California's homelessness problem is very bad! And now President Joe Biden wants to turn the United States into a giant California! God help us! We wouldn't need socialism if we'd get rid of the Federal Reserve! But as long as a private group of thieving criminals control our nation's currency, Americans will financially suffer! If it weren't for the fraud of the central banks, Americans would have enough money to purchase health care insurance. How can citizens pay their bills if they don't have a job? Your job is in Mexico, Singapore, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan and dozens of other countries.

President Donald Trump was a brilliant businessman. He understood the things I just said. For over 30 years China has been ripping off America! Mr. Trump put an end to that, but Joe Biden has already vowed in 2021 to undo the good that President Trump did. This is an insane way to run a government! Can you imagine if a large company switched CEO's every 4 to 8 years, who took the company all different directions? The company would falter and not prosper, just like our U.S. government is a failing entity. But I have never trusted Mr. Trump either, because he doesn't address the fraud in our banking system. No nation can prosper in a rigged system based on greed and fraud. Thomas Jefferson rightly warned:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

I have been refuting HBC since 2014 for saying these evil things, earnestly contending for the Christian faith (Jude 1:3). Bless God, I SHOULD say these things about Harvest Baptist Church of Guam, and by God's grace I will continue to say them until their wicked pastors and congregation repent and get right with God. Harvest Baptist Church of Guam have abandoned their love for Christ in pursuit of the love of money (1st Timothy 6:10). They are serving mammon and not God (Luke 16:13). Revelation 2:4, “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.”

I believe God led me to Harvest Baptist Church on Guam in 2013, to preach against them for their apostasy, but they are stiffnecked and proud. Revelation 2:21, “And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.” The Bob Jones University crowd for decades now have fornicated in spiritual whoredom with the heathen Neo-evangelical world. The Harvest Baptist Academy school on Guam, Bible college and Harvest ministries, are bad news! If you want to be spiritually corrupted, then you'll get what you deserve for eating at the Devil's table. Lordship Salvation is of the Devil. Harvest's pastors and staff OUGHT NOT be saying such things! They ought not be promoting Bob Jones University—because they promote Devil's Bibles, allow immodest clothing for female students, preach the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation (i.e., Calvinism), and just don't care! Right doctrine matters!
They just don't care, neither about the purity of God's Word, nor the accuracy of the Gospel, nor about hurting people like me who pleaded three times in 2017 (and since) for their love, kindness and spiritual help. Sadly, it appears that the pastors of Harvest need a whole lot more spiritual help than I do. My office is open 24 hours a day fellas, just knock on my door. I'll do my best to help you get right with God.

David J. Stewart #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

Since 2014 they [Harvest Baptist Church] have painfully ostracized me. I have always kindly waved at them with a smile, but in return I get dirty looks, cold stares and unfriendly smirks. David in the Old Testament experienced this same hurtful type of heathendom. Psalms 109:4-5, “For my love they are my adversaries: but I give myself unto prayer. And they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love.”

My regular website and blog readers know that I have been writing articles about my painful ongoing ordeal with Harvest Baptist Church (aka, the Bob Jones University crowd) since they kicked me out in 2014. I am in a unique situation, being isolated on Guam, and that I am an independent Baptist. Where else can I go? They are my spiritual family. They are my professed brothers and sisters in Christ. Yet, they continue to ostracize me, showing disdain toward me, which is painful, especially at Christmas time and on holidays. Sadly, I mean nothing to them.

God knows that my only offense against them is that I loved them enough to tell THE TRUTH to help them! Harvest invited Evangelist Tom Farrell to speak at their church, who said from the pulpit: “A friend helps a friend to see!” I was being a true friend. But when I helped them see, they showed me the door! Pastor Marty Herron cruelly drove me out, and shunned me. I was so lonely and in love with the church's nurse, who worked at their school. So I literally begged to return, promising to keep quiet about my beliefs. I humbly apologized for any trouble I had caused, and pleaded with Pastor Herron to allow me to return. I kindly asked for his spiritual guidance with my life, explaining that I have been stuck in a ditch in life for several years. That ungodly selfish man verbatim told me to “go elsewhere.” I had nowhere to go. My blood is on Pastor Herron's hands, and his associate pastors, who were also involved.
I am not obsessed with Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, I am a hurting man who has no church family. Nearly all of my neighbours either attend Harvest or work on staff, but they ignore me. That is not okay with God.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

For nearly 300 years the English-speaking world used the King James Bible. But then in 1881 Westcott and Hort claimed to have discovered a new, older and more accurate ancient Bible manuscript, one which just so happens to eviscerate every place in the Bible where the deity of Christ and the Godhead are proclaimed. Since 1881 it has been open season on the Holy Bible!!! It is for this transgression that I have been marginalized by the Neo-evangelical Bob Jones University crowd, and Dr. Marty Herron (who is no Baptist Fundamentalist). Shame on all of them!!! No one truly loves Jesus who is okay with the modern Bible revisions which attack Him!

We've lost our minds today in America! Here is an article by an ungodly feminist-minded woman, who says that females should use a gender-neutral Bible to make women feel included in the Bible. Gail Wallace heretically says: “Using a gender-accurate translation is a way to make sure everyone is able to see themselves at the center of God’s redemptive story rather than in the margins.” Gender accurate? What gives Gail or anyone the right to decide what is gender accurate in the Bible? Literally, she is saying that it is okay to change the Word of God to appease feminist social changes. A godly woman who understands that God made the man to be in charge of the marriage, home and church would never have an issue with the King James Bible. Kindly said, only a rebellious feminist-minded woman would take issue with the King James Bible on gender.

We are at war today over the inspiration and infallibility of the Word of God, and the biggest offenders are apostate Bible colleges (like Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary, Moody Bible Institute and Bob Jones University), who train pastors for the churches, “I-chabod” is written over our churches today. That means, the glory of the Lord has departed!!! I ask you dear reader—how can there be TWO Bibles if there is only ONE Savior? Revelation 19:13b says that Jesus' name is “THE WORD OF GOD”!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia stewart1611.blogspot.com

I am so disgusted seeing women wearing tattoos. It is foolish ladies! I think tattoos add ugliness to a woman's natural God-given beauty. All you're doing by getting a tattoo is revealing your mental weakness, that you have succumbed to the whims of this ungodly generation. By getting a tattoo you are identifying with the heathen world. Honestly, I don't even want to date a woman with a tattoo, because it looks really foolish and disguising. I've seen women whose arms are covered in tattoos, and those women look like circus clowns! I really feel sorry for them. Some are physically beautiful, but their brains are long gone—woefully lacking femininity, unable to relate to decent men, and brainwashed by feminism. I seriously doubt if those women will ever find a happy marriage and motherhood, and sadly, they know it and don't care. Today's American woman is becoming a freakshow!

Why are women today so messed up? It is simply because they are thinking wrong! They are in tune with this sick ungodly world today. I am shocked how many women are lesbians today, and how many professed Christian women brag of “having gay friends.” GET RIGHT WITH GOD!!! If you are sharing an apartment with someone who is gay, you have serious spiritual issues! In the Bible, Lot pitched his tent door (the opening) toward Sodom, and the very next chapter Lot lived in Sodom. Buddying with homosexuals is just one step toward becoming one yourself!!! A little leaven leaventh the whole lump!

The Bible commands every believer to THINK ON THESE THINGS? What things? Things that are trust, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, of virtue and praise. That eliminates the homosexual community entirely, who are wicked and enemies of God and righteousness! Any church that is soft and tolerant toward homosexuals is pulling on the same rope as the Devil. Preachers today don't preach against sin anymore! Your average pastor nowadays is merely holding an occupation to earn a living, and is not a Bible preacher of righteousness! No wonder the United States has gone to ruin and Hell.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

Being a single mother is very difficult. Single Moms have so many pressing responsibilities to take care of. It is NOT a glamorous lifestyle! They have to carve out some time for themselves. By choosing to be single, not only have women left their child without a father in the home, but now they leave the child alone while they go out on dates and having a social life. Children are the ultimate losers from divorce and having children out of wedlock!!! Fornication is epidemic in America. According to the preceding 2008 ABC News article, 33% of single Moms had children out of wedlock. As of 2018 that percentage is up to 40% of women having children out of wedlock. This is a 28% increase since 1990. America's hook-up culture is destroying our society. No wonder crime is skyrocketing!

Sadly, do you know where you can find the most single Moms at any given time... DATING APPS! It is tragic. Online dating is a disastrous modern phenomena. Over ten million American females are desperately searching for a man to step up to plate to be a father to her irresponsibility and whoring around. Older men can marry down with age and income, but women cannot. This means as a women grows older, the chances of her finding Mr. Right quickly disappears. Men do not face time limits on finding a wife, but women do because their beauty exponentially fades with age, and the child bearing years virtually end past age 40. I am 54 years old and single. I could easily marry a beautiful 20-30 year old woman in the Philippines any time I want. I could be 70 years old! An older woman could never have a young handsome guy as a husband. Women marry up; Men marry down. That is a fact!

David J. Stewart #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

I have lived on the island of Guam since 2004. There's a big independent Baptist church down the street from me—Harvest Baptist Church (founded in 1975). They are all Bob Jones University graduates. In 2014 the pastors kicked me out of their church, merely because I am King James Bible only in my beliefs, and I sometimes kindly shared my views with adult people I sat next to in church. This is America, not communist North Korea. There is a cult mentality of control at BJU. Even as a 47 year old man (at the time in 2014), I was not allowed to share my differing opinions with people at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. I would never try to intentionally influence or contradict what the pastors preach from their own church pulpit, but what I share with people in private conversations is not their business nor right to control. I was just being myself.

I was confronted by the pastors and accused of causing "divisiveness" and "confusion." Sadly, the pastors were glad to see me go. I wept much as I left with a broken heart. I had just lost my church family, where I had attended and grown to love them for one year. But I was lonely and hurting to have a church family, with nowhere else to go. So in 2017, I begged Senior Pastor, Marty Herron, three times to please let me return. I apologized and poured out my heart. He cruelly refused. I think the problem is that as human beings, we tend to prioritize everything over caring for and loving each other. That is the defining quality that is supposed to separate Christians from the world, love. Faith and love.

I also shared my humble emails with two of their associate pastors, pleading for a second chance. I promised to keep my opinions to myself. I mentioned to them that I am a graduate of Hyles-Anderson College (1985-1993), and I humbly pleaded for an opportunity to serve Jesus in the church voluntarily for free, even if just to gladly clean toilets. Pastor Herron coldly said to: "Go elsewhere." He spelled my name as "david" (with a lowercase d in disrespect). When I kindly emailed him back, he totally ignored me and refused to respond anymore.

David J. Stewart #fundie #crackpot stewart1611.blogspot.com

Many heavy-metal rockers have professed to become born-again Christians. For example: Brian “Head” Welch did an interview on The 700 Club with Pat Robertson. Brian doesn't mention the cross. He doesn't mention the Gospel. Brian only talks about surrendering, following and giving his life to Jesus. That is not salvation! Even the Apostle Judas followed Jesus. Judas had a relationship with Jesus. Matthew 27:3 even says Judas turned from his sins (i.e., false repentance). I am not saying that Brian Welch is not saved, but I haven't seen any evidence that he is. The same holds true for Alice Cooper, Dave Mustaine (Megadeth), Michael Sweet (Stryper) and other so-called “Christians” of heavy-metal. Alice Cooper boasts of his alleged Christian faith, but includes his Mormon grandfather. Mormons are not born-again Christians! Mormonism is a Satanic religion of perversion, bizarre Masonic rituals and doctrinal error. I question the salvation of all these rockers!
If anyone has a “warped view of Christianity,” it is Alice Cooper!!! His real name is Vincent Damon Furnier. In fact, there is plenty in the Bible that says you cannot become a rock star! I could write a big book on the subject! For one, God forbids idolatry. Exodus 20:3, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Rock stars are idols (whether they intend to be or not) among the public. Here below is the album cover for Alice Cooper's upcoming February 2021 album release, titled: “Detroit Stories.” ...
Life is what happens to us when we're making big plans! Life is short, Hell is hot and eternity is a long time! Please make sure you have been born-again. Getting saved is free, easy and simple. The main reason why I doubt the salvation testimony of the aforementioned people is simply because I don't see a clear Gospel testimony. I do hear them adding a bunch of junk that is not the Gospel. Ladies and gentleman, these entertainers are a bunch of phonies, all part of the Devil's New World Order. Please do not be deceived.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

A wife ought to wait on her husband hand and foot. I heard a woman scoff at that very idea once. She exclaimed: “I ain't waiting on no man hand and foot!” She had commit adultery with a married hockey player for the Chicago Black Hawks. I'm talking about a young lady who attended Hyles-Anderson College for a couple years. She quit because of an ungodly staff member at the college who berated and discouraged her. She started working in nightclubs in downtown Chicago, meeting wicked people. The hockey player used her, dumped her, causing her a nervous breakdown, because she loved him. I know his full name! That young woman got into astrology. Later illegal drugs. She died of a drug overdose at age 46, without ever having married, giving birth to a precious little girl out of wedlock, which was given away for adoption. Your attitude in life determines your altitude. Oh how sin thrills and then it kills! Oh how sin fascinates and then it assassinates! The Devil is a beautiful liar!

I know what I am talking about folks. Marriage is not just the old-fashioned way, it is the right way, God's way. The Lord knew what He was doing when He authored the Holy Bible. This wicked world is utterly confused today, because they reject the light of God's Word. That light is THE TRUTH, which will set any person free if you let it (John 8:32-36).
I have read thousands of dating profiles on e-Harmony since 2017, searching for a Christian woman to marry. A large percentage of the women look like a collection for the mob—whores, police mugshots, bimbos, no smile, goofy gals, barn yard ugly...yikes! I have not found even one profile where the woman says she wants to be a servant—a help meet—to please her husband in every way. The Bible says that Sarah called Abraham “lord.” Ladies, do you realize that God wants you, as a wife, to completely surrender to your husband, to the same degree that you would Jesus? Ephesians 5:22, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.”

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

[Submitter’s note: continued from https://fstdt.com/FJLQYWNZ4WGZH]

Hebrews 13:4, “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” Courtship is non-existent these days. Social media, the music industry and Hollywood have trained America's youth to have sex on their first date (but then to stop using a condom if you really love someone). That is the Devil's advice! These people are living for the Devil. Any sex outside of a legally-binding marriage as very sinful. God will punish all fornicators and adulterers! America's epidemic pedophile problem today is merely a symptom of a sex-crazed society which lacks morality, restraint, Christianity and the fear of God. Satan is the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:3-4), which is why the Holy Bible has been removed and banned by Freemasons from America's classrooms since 1963. We get what we deserve America!

Avivah is a foolish woman, who does not believe the Bible. Anything with two heads is a monster! God has foreordained that the man (not the woman) is the head of the home. God created Eve from Adam's rib (the nearest thing to his heart). The ribs protect the heart and vital organs. A wife protects her husband's heart. God created Eve from Adam's rib to be loved; not from his head to rule with him; not from his feet to be trampled upon with cruelty and abuse. God created the woman FOR THE MAN (MP3 sermon clip by Pastor Jack Hyles), whether you feminists like it or not! 1st Timothy 5:15 says that career women are turned aside after Satan! God does not want Christian young women pursuing careers to make money. Let the heathen world pursue careers. It is high time that God's children stop following the world!

All across America today, Christian men like me cannot find a wife who wants to stay at home and be a homemaker, because of the evils of feminism in our churches.

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut stewart1611.blogspot.com

Conspiracies are nothing new. A “conspiracy” by definition is simply: “A secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act; a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot).” As a human being, I have a right to my opinion (and so do you). Unfortunately, in the United States and many countries today (e.g. Canada, China and North Korea) you are forbidden to express your opinion, if it contradicts the official government (and consequent newsmedia) narrative. That is not freedom!

Have you ever noticed that the U.S. mainstream newsmedia NEVER contradict the government's agendas? I learned long ago that government's don't control the world, corporations do! Follow the money! That explains why the entire American social media platform is controlled by corporations. A corrupt judge ruled in 2020 that Google/YouTube can censor anything they want, as a private company. Since over 92% of internet searches go through Google, effectively they control public opinion. Facebook has banned my article expressing my view that Sandy Hook was a massive fraud. Alex Jones was banned from social media for saying the same thing. Over 25,000 YouTube videos were removed in just the click of a mouse! Millions of manhours of work were wiped out in a second!
Likewise, even still today in 2020 there is little or no freedom for Americans who disagree with New World Order agendas (e.g., same-sex perversion and LGBTQ issues, abortion murder, 911 hoax, Sandy Hook hoax, Black Lives Matter anarchy, Zionism hoax, HSBC crimes, feminism evils, Drug War hoax, Mena crimes, Federal Reserve crimes, OKC Bombing hoax, Coronavirus hoax, et cetera). Pastors have literally been arrested and prosecuted in Canada for trying to inspire parents to protect their children from the LGBTQ movement! The ungodly governments of our sick generation have declared war on God-fearing Christians, who don't want their children being homosexualized by wicked people.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy stewart1611.blogspot.com

My opinion is that we are being woefully deceived concerning this Coronavirus pandemic! I simply do not accept the idea that a deadly virus came out of Wuhan, China in January of 2020, which infected the entire planet virtually overnight, and now we are seeing a Police State lockdown across the globe. This is George Orwell's book about a dystopian future, 1984, come true, and we're now seeing the government's big boot stomping down upon our face! I'm curious to see what newly appointed U.S. President Joe Biden is going to do, which I am confident will further the New World Order.
The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) is careful to specify that its mortality graphs combine deaths from Pneumonia with flu-like symptoms, deaths from Influenza (seasonal flu), and deaths from COVID-19. They call that combination “Deaths due to PIC.” You can read all about how the ungodly controlled media have fabricated a public panic, by artificially hyping infection numbers through so-called "testing," which is a blatant false flag operation. Just as I suspected, the CDC are including deaths from the seasonal flu (Influenza) in their infection numbers for COVID-19. That is extremely dishonest! Did you know that in 2017 to 2019 there were nearly 100,000 deaths in the United States just from the common flu alone? That is correct!
The preceding statistics from the CDC show that tens of thousands of people die EACH YEAR in the United States from virus infections, just from the common flu. Yet, why all of a sudden in 2020 are these deaths being hypes, sensationalized, and used to lockdown America?
It is obvious to me as a thinking person, and after seeing the blatant fraud of the 911 attacks, that the Coronavirus pandemic is just another False Flag Operation, a mere continuation of 911. We are headed for a Godless Global Totalitarian Communist Police State.

David J. Stewart #fundie #kinkshaming stewart1611.blogspot.com

God told Hosea to marry a harlot. I don't think Hosea was any different than men today. I think the ole boy got really happy. “Lord, can you say that again?” You heard me Hosea, go marry that pretty worldly gal you've been looking at, Gomer. I think Hosea was very happy, at first, but I sincerely don't think he saw what was coming. After bearing him three children, Gomer forsook Hosea, chasing after wicked men. That sure sounds like America today! I have heard tragic stories, one after the other all my life, from men and women alike of unfaithful spouses who betrayed, hurt and eventually abandoned them. Hebrews 13:4, “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” God's judgment cannot rest forever!

David J. Stewart #psycho stewart1611.blogspot.com

If you are a Christian the whole world is waiting for you to fall. Could you imagine if a Baptist church were to sponsor something as despicable and raunchy as the popular TV show “Dance Moms”? Abby Lee Miller belongs in prison! If a church were to do the same thing, people in the local community would be outraged! Can anyone really wonder why there is an epidemic of pedophiles in society today, when ungodly filth like “Dance Moms” is aired on television? Nothing has destroyed America like TV!

David J. Stewart #fundie #psycho #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

When I attended the Harvest Baptist Church of Guam in 2013-2014, I fell in love with their nurse, Kris. She liked me too, which I know as sure as I am saved. When their pastors drove me out of their church, I missed Kris a lot. I thought about her every day for years to come. On February 21, 2017 I saw her in public, at Asan Beach Park in her hammock, and finally told her how I felt. She was still single. So I wrote her a long love letter and expressed my intent to properly court her at church, which would hopefully lead to marriage. Her pastors (Marty Herron and Joe Hanson) cruelly refused to allow me to return to attend church, even admitting that they didn't want me dating Kris. I wish those ungodly hypocrites could lose their wives and be alone, sharing my inexplicable pain. Shame on them for playing God with people's lives. Harvest Baptist Church is a devil's house.

So Kris sent me a mean letter, cruelly calling me a “father image” (she's no spring chicken) and told me never to contact her again. I abided by what she wrote, but it hurt more than I can put in words. I felt like committing suicide. I still love Kris in 2021, and would have married her at any point if she simply had contacted me, saying that she changed her mind. She moved away and that's that. You cannot tell a guy never to contact you again, and expect to find a husband. She will never find a guy like me, that I know. She might find some religious guy that goes through the motions, but she'll never find a man that loves her more than I do. She has a wrong attitude. She is a nurse trained at Bob Jones University, having pursued a career over marriage. God says she is turned aside after Satan (1st Timothy 5:14-15).

Women today have wrong attitudes toward men and marriage. I may never find a wife in America, because of all the wrong attitudes that are prevalent in society today, and that definitely includes the churches. They're all still part of our decaying American culture.

David J. Stewart #fundie #wingnut #homophobia stewart1611.blogspot.com

I have been frustrated since President Joe Biden came to power in the White House. President Trump kept his promise to erect a 2,000 milelong Mexican border wall to keep out illegal immigrants. It's about time! But now President Biden is effectively undoing the good Mr. Trump accomplished, allowing 25,000 immigrants into the country this week alone. Joe Biden wants to make all the illegals legal.
By allowing poor and unskilled immigrants to continue flooding into the country, parasiting off American taxpayers who have to pay the bills, President Biden is fulfilling John Lennon's dream of a country without borders, because without borders a nation ceases to be a country! By promoting multiple Bible versions, churches and Bible colleges are helping to build the New World Order, denying that we have one absolute infallible Holy Bible today in English. By preaching various plans of salvation, people everywhere are confused in the churches.
This is where John Lennon's foolish ideas actually lead, to a breakdown of law and order. The 2020 riots were a reality check, showing the moral condition of our country today. Democrats and wacky liberals pulled down historical statues across the country, even destroying a statue of Christopher Columbus. You may not like our nation's often ugly history, but it is still our history. We cannot change the past. By tearing down historical monuments in an attempt to erase our past, it only dooms us to repeat the past instead of learning from it. There is much wisdom in what I just said.
The reason why America is in such a mess today is because people are no longer following the Word of God. When men disregard the Holy Bible, there is no longer an absolute moral standard; consequently, man becomes his own God. The U.S. Supreme Court flaunted itself above God in 1973, when they legalized abortion. The Supreme Court has a nasty history of overruling God! We saw this in June of 2015 when same-sex civil unions were legalized in America. Where will this evil departure from moral law and God's divine order take our nation?

David J. Stewart #fundie #god-complex stewart1611.blogspot.com

When I attended the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam for the year of 2018, Pastor Sean Quinlan shamefully berated me for my zeal to expose the rotten Bob Jones crowd. I was speaking with Bill, a man at the church, and my friend, about what is wrong with the modern Bible revisions. While I was edifying my brother in Christ, I mentioned that “Bob Jones University sells corruptible seed (Devil's bibles).” Pastor Quinlan was eavesdropping on our conversation and became upset when he heard that. I found out from talking to Quinlan that he bids Godspeed to the Calvinist Bob Jones camp!

I was disgusted with him as a church leader. Pastor Quinlan literally called the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam: “our sister church!” I rebuked him upon the authority of God's Word, informing him that Harvest Baptist Church preaches the Devil's false gospel of Calvinism! Quinlan shameful replied: “It's none of our business what they do at Harvest!” I fully knew then that I was talking to a total damned fool. Any pastor who sinfully bids Godspeed to Calvinists ought not be trusted to preach behind any pulpit.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy stewart1611.blogspot.com

The year “1984” is the titled of a popular science-fiction book authored by George Orwell (1903-1950). The book portrays a futuristic police state, in which even thinking as an individual has been criminalized by an oppressive government. In many ways, the book became a foreshadow of the increasing government oppression in America today. Our founding fathers could not have envisioned a woeful time when same-sex marriage, transgendered restrooms and homosexual adoptions would be legalized. Woe unto America!
Know this friend, unarmed citizens effectively have no rights in America! Remember that! Likewise, if you cannot afford to pay tens-of-thousands-of-dollars to hire an attorney, effectively you have no rights in the United States! If Child Protection Services (CPS) targets your family and accuses poor parents of neglect, you are not entitled to a free attorney (as provided for in your Bill of Rights). The thug government gets around the 6th Amendment by charging parents with neglect, which is not legally considered a crime.

The state fully knows that hardly any parents can afford to hire an attorney (which are all very expensive), so by charging the parents with an administrative offense instead of a crime, they can easily confiscate your children and put them up for adoption, drugging and then raping them (even in government custody). There's a special place in Hell for CPS thugs, judges, lawyers and everyone involved who ruin families! You have seen the definition of “evil” until you've met an administrative CPS judge! What scum and filth!
America's second U.S. President, John Adams, wisely stated that the U.S. Constitution was only intended for a society restrained by morality and religious beliefs
The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are being torn apart between liberals and conservatives in U.S. courts. The immoral mess in America today is our own creation. If men will not be ruled by God, then they will be governed by tyrants. This whole transgendered bathroom nightmare today is about satanic mind control. The Luciferians behind the subversion of the United States want to condition everyone to accept their enslavement.