Helena Glass #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Marine le Pen is also a Jewish, Israeli proponent who just won the election displacing Macron - a Jewish, Zionist proponent. Jewish sympathizer and secular, Olaf Scholz, a socialist Marxist, remains at the helm of Germany while Italy's Meloni who pledged conservative values as a candidate immediately swung hard to port once in office - pro-Zionism. Thus Europe's elections have secured the EU as fully colonized under the Israeli flag.

The point of replacing Jewish Zionist puppets with new Zionist puppets was simply the deceptive tactic of double bait and switch. The old stalwarts had been outed as destroying Europe, while the new stalwarts will submit to the propagandizing of a new face in politics - to bridge the hatred of the old stalwarts by the people. Another illusion.
Given every western/Zionist war is about reshuffling the Land boundaries and confiscating the resources - one would think the entire Middle East would be on heightened alert. For Israel Is A Mighty Deceiver. Secularism is their throne. It is everything the Bible warns us to see and understand. It has become a secular statehood of nonbelievers asserting God's covenant -

Created in 1949 by secularist, Ben Gurion, The Mossad was created not as a security agency, but as a global destabilizer. Gurion realized that the way to gain control was through fear initiated thru 'terrorism'. The same psychological terror that was used on Epstein Island on children... The same psychological terror that fanned Pandemics.
The extent to which America became an intertwined colony of the secular Israel - subjected to the Israeli Califate of global dominion, via the Mossad chaos and destabilization agenda is a vast network of US politicians, and NGO's whose power escalated considerably under Reagan. Which explains the corrupted advisory groups that always claim they are Reaganites... Reagan was a staunch Jew supporter.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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