Brian Niemeier #conspiracy

Going back even further, the Protestant Reformation is often credited to the printing press, but the same technology helped ignite one of the longest and bloodiest conflicts in European history.

It's no different today. The low-work, high-pay, incestuous character of the contemporary newsroom has just made the propagandists worse at hiding their intentions.

The latest spate of shootings by atheist Leftists egged on by fedposters is a great example. Five minutes on any news channel or social media feed will show you that the mainstream media is using these crimes as a handy club to beat white people--which the shooters were--and Christian conservatives--which the shooters were not.

So eager were the priests of the ruling death cult to condemn their sworn enemies that they were easily and hilariously duped, at length, by an obvious prankster.

It should be self-evident by now, but the mass media isn't there to inform you. Its purpose is to keep people in a constant state of low-grade panic--fluctuating within tolerances.

Why keep everyone afraid? Ask any accomplished salesman. Scared people don't think rationally. They're far more suggestible and manipulable. Watch any insurance commercial.

What the Boomers miss are the days when the media would openly use this tactic to sell beer and toothpaste while keeping the real propaganda subtle. Now that the entire TV ad revenue model has been proven fraudulent, the corresponding decline in journo IQ has torn the curtain away from their whole operation.

While you're better off not consuming news at all, here's a surefire way to tell if you're being manipulated. Is the lead story about some massacre/accident/natural disaster three states over? If so, and unless you have family in the affected area, the news is irrelevant. Act accordingly.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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