various commenters #interphobia

This picture is proof. Not that picture!

( Iggyana )
I mean, if that's a woman she's the envy of TIF's everywhere.


( FeminismIs4Women )
It's not about looks. Females in the Olympics, naturally, are almost all muscular women wearing sports gear. It's the fact that he was banned from women's boxing specifically, and the evidence so far suggests the reason was because he is a man with a DSD. That wouldn't change if he had a different appearance. If he was a woman he would address the issue and have a simple non-invasive sex test. But he won't do that because he is a biological male and he knows it. There is literally a picture where you can see he penis through his shorts.

( RusticTroglodyte )
I'm so confused why his parents would dress him like a girl if he was born with a penis. And I definitely saw that bulge

( FeminismIs4Women )
Kids with DSDs do actually sometimes get labeled as the opposite sex at birth if they have ambiguous parts. The concept was co-opted by TRAs and applied to TIP without DSDs to suit their agenda.


( iCONIC )
The support he's receiving from members of Ovarit is absurd

( TheSimbul )
What is wrong with you? This is the Olympics, not high school.

THE MAN IS A MAN, AND HE IS A CHEAT. No one should be supporting him.



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