Rick Moran #transphobia pjmedia.com

Bow's girl's soccer team was playing a game against Plymouth Regional High School last week despite protests from Bow's parents that one of the Plymouth players was not a biological female.

The parents first tried approaching their school's athletic director. He was very apologetic, telling them his hands were tied. A federal judge had ruled that "the term ‘girl’ includes males who identify as female.”

The parents decided to stage a silent protest. Several of them wore pink wristbands with "XX" printed on them to signify the two "X" chromosomes that biological women carry in their DNA.

None of us should be surprised by this. In order to force conformity to the belief that boys can be girls simply by saying so, radical advocates will shatter the First Amendment to do it.

There is no room for opposition, legal though it may be. There isn't even room for opposing thought given that it's punished by small-minded bureaucrats who exercise authority like any fascist would.

When even silent protests are punished, you know that the American experiment in self-government is in deep trouble.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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