I was born to fight these climate weapons with ancient atlantean crystal technology and shamanism. #SpiritualWarfare
This is crazy, of course, but it is hard not to identify with the desparate need for one's life to be about something.
Imagine looking into a mirror and saying "I was born to sell charcoal bricks," or something similar.
ancient atlantean crystal technology
Atlantis never existed, even the people who believe in it admit they can't find it, but they have its technology, and it's crystal nonetheless. Who would have thought?
How do you know that HAARP isn't the initial testing of certain systems which - when combined - will become like that used by Justice Department in "Judge Dredd": Weather Control?
'Exorcism' rounds routinely loaded in the Lawgivers of those in Psi Division, including Psi Judge Anderson. And abuse of Hashtags? Five years in an Iso-Cube, creep! Court is adjourned.
'Exorcism' rounds? How do you know that there aren't 'Judges 1:19 Specials': Iron-cored saboted rounds in certain weapons on board Justice Department's Manta Prowl Tanks ?
When not even your 'God' could show himself in dealing with Judge Death: yet, Dredd & Anderson could, goes to show that these hovering Iron Chariots are a deterrent against infinitely greater forces.
ancient atlantean crystal technology
That, and a comic which started in issue 2 of "2000 AD" in 1977 to today; a character & scenario created by John Wagner & Carlos Ezquerra? One fiction's just as good as another, eh Joe...?!
...oh, and 'Joe'? Impersonating a Mega City-One Judge: and the most senior Street Judge, at that? 20 years in an Iso-Cube!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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