Various Commenters #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy

Another Christian Win in the Supreme Court today. We are going to peacefully and legally take control of this country for the glory of God. Nothing and no one can stop us. America will once again be a Christian nation.

( @Chazzzzmak1972 )
@a leftist, Communist and bleeding heart liberals need to stop comparing America to European countries we are not Europe and never will be

( @NationalismForAll )
@a I can't wait until they bring back the anti sodomy laws and chase those perverts back into the closet where they belong.

( @jcs379 )
@NationalismForAll @a me too

( @jojobean1979 )
@NationalismForAll @a no more putting them back into the closet it's time to jail them and commit them and throw away the key

( @BuzWeaver )
@NationalismForAll @a It will be very curious to see if Gay Marriage is overturned. The States were nearly unanimous in banning it.

( @ToBeCensored )
@a jews are not going to 'peacefully or legally' give up control of White nations

( @Dartagnan57 )
@a That message needs to be taken to voters to VOTE OUT ALL DEMOCRAPS THIS FALL.

( @puppydinks )

( @Shadd0Banned )
@a I think these are all false victories... nothing is really changing. The people making these decisions are still deep state and hate you. America is still under zionist control and is still being dismantled and the economy is being pushed off a cliff. All I see is the pending collapse being pinned on the right by painting the picture of a Christian resurgence at an opportune time.

( @Purebloood )
For that to happen it'll have to become a white nation again.

( @Bilbar )
@a every baby born in the US now by law should be given a gun and a Bible

@a GOD is letting everyone know that HE is on HIS way back home, judgement day is near. Can't wait.

( @ObservantGeezer )
@a I take your Christian nation and raise you the 3 million Muslims you've imported over the past two decades, who will breed like locust and become more and more demanding and violent as their numbers grow.



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