various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut

Submitter’s note: Pretty much every single comment on the article reads like this

Bob bob: Hilarious that Dan Wolken doesn't understand biology or the clown form the IOC. Saying an explanation does not exists is just hard left wind idiocy. Maybe the IBA shouldn't be in the business of running boxing but I doubt the genetic test which is incorrect. Why doesn't the IOC have a genetic test performed and release the results? Because they know its going to confirm its a male no matter what the fake paper birth certificate says.

L*******: What an incredibly disingenuous analysis that dances around basic truth and very simple science. Another Russian collusion story? Please. What would satisfy the author, would a death in the ring satisfy him?

Curdweasel2: No one in the video addresses the XY question. What is the boxer's karyotype?

Bob bob: I love how they skate around it. Like there's no test that could reveal one's biological gender. We just have to believe the paper birth certificate and what a very male looking athlete says.

B G: When Khelif failed the qualification test, Khelif should have had enough integrity to step down rather than compete despite having already broken the rules.

Aaron Ray: Last year he was a dude

Michael B: Agreed. Someone like him should never be allowed to compete against actual women ever again.

Mismack Girma: He is a man period. He got man natural genetics from birth.

Caleb Nichols: XY chromosomes and high testosterone level? Hmmmm...

Corey Vette: I thought genitals didn't matter to the left. Now they do ???



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