Legendarywristcel #sexist #dunning-kruger ncu.su

It is disturbing that guys who are married never talk about 'morning face'

At 33, i often move in circles where the guys are married with kids. Now ive seen their wives, some of them are good looking and most arent. But even the good looking ones, in the rare instances that ive caught them with less than usual fakeup, look scary. I can only imagine how they look when they wake up in the morning. And yet, this now has become an accepted fact of life for these guys, that they dare not question it. In 2021, you have to accept that your 'looksmatch' is actually a frauding beast, whom you mog to oblivion when fakeup is accounted for.

I think these guys who married their wives for looks, have now convinced themselves that their relationship has matured (JFL) to a point where they like their wives for the person they are.



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