Various commenters #wingnut #moonbat #conspiracy

(Gadya Hrenova)
@tyquon jackson
actually its not visible at all. Ukranian conflict was orchestrated by US/Britain lead NATO, European countries didn't want and didn't need this conflict (Poland and Baltic countries don't count, being on receiving end of alliance; plus Poland has its own interests in Ukraine).

(Laurent Grégoire)
You forgot US got independance thanks to France... US caused the war in Ukraine and did not save France from anything.

(Der Schmied)
The US created the Ukraine problem, not France.  The EU got dragged into the US made quagmire because of their NATO membership.

(Matthew Fierro)
@tyquon jackson

(Lawrence Wunderlich)
Ukraine is not  a democratic nation. It is and always has been a criminal state. They still have not c sympathizers among them to this day.

(Laurent Grégoire)
Russians saved France from Nazis, not the US. US was totally useless in Europe during WWII, the war was already over after the Koursk battle in 1943... one year before the landing in Normandie. It's better to learn history before to talk about it... And Ukraine is not democratic, it's one of the most corrupted country in the world.

(Matthew Fierro)
taiwan is Chinese land historically and Ukraine is not a Democracy - we toppled their leader in the 2014 Coup. Ukraine is nationalistic - just like Hitler was,

(ken farenick)
US plan was to get Russia to invade Ukraine as played by the 2014 coup that installed Zelensky



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