littleowl12 , Ginger & Scoobygirl #transphobia

RE: Have you seen people recently back off being TRAs?

( littleowl12 )
I'm seeing that about a lot of things, but gender most of all. I think the fad has crested, too many horror stories are coming out, and the left establishment in America has gone very, very quiet. It's still a loud issue in Scotland, but I've noticed the American left is suddenly very busy.

And busy about stuff that matters, like abortion rights, inflation, the invasion of Ukraine and expansionist Russia, the looming drop of China's population.

What's going to be really the anger that follows.

The leader of the Church of Scientology is David Miscavige. His father Ron escaped in his old age. He said in an interview before he died, the hardest thing was looking at himself in a full length mirror, pointing to his reflection, and saying "You got conned." He said it was the most awful emotion he ever felt. He didn't narrow down whether it was sadness or rage.

That's going to be a big deal. We got conned. I'm worried how the SJW movement as a whole is going to set society back, because they saturated it with so much hucksterism. We're not the only ones that got conned- MAGA definitely did, too.

But transgenderism is gruesome. Horrible surgeries, often performed on children. Foul fetishes.

I don't know.

It's going to be bad.

( Ginger )
I've definitely noticed that far fewer people have to inject their "jkr is a transphobe" sentiments any time anything Harry Potter comes up.

I think between seeing actual TIMs in sports, the growing number of detransitioners, and the utter lack of "transwomen" speaking out after the Supreme Court ruling on abortion (weird, because I thought TWAW.... /s), a lot of lefties are discovering they backed the wrong horse.

( Scoobygirl )
I've noticed it in my circle of homeschoolers - girls that were insisting they were boys a few months back are all nonbinary now, which I am hopeful is a way for them to ease out of all this nonsense. Their mothers, once very loud and proud TRAs, are much quieter on the issue now as well. I think initially it felt great to have this special trans status, but once all the kids declared themselves as something special (pansexual, demisexual, two spirited are some of the dumbass labels I've seen posted on FB) they all started to look around and realize how stupid it all is.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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