Biden endorsed by Antifa and BLM.
Trump endorsed by NRA and law enforcement.
Choose your President.
Trump endorsed by NRA Definitively not Trump, then.
Actually, a lot of my antifa pals are pretty upset about Biden. Many of them are planning to vote for Howie Hawkins or to not vote at all. Furthermore, unlike NRA/the cops, BLM/antifa doesn’t have centralized leadership, therefore they cannot endorse anyone.
"Trump endorsed by NRA and law enforcement."
And the KKK.
And the Alt-right.
I mean, if we're going by associations.
Choose your President
…and that's the point of Democracy. ‘Choose', eh?
Some…thing that sided with white terrorists a few years ago. The other being Joe Biden.
My: but that's a toughie, eh OP…?!
Choose your President. Is there an option to hack the game and add Franklin Delano Roosevelt back into the list of selectable characters?
Biden supported by those who would hold a respectful memorial for the murdered.
Trump supported by those who would hold a rally most likely mocking the murdered and attacking anyone who grieves for them insisting guns and the ability to take a life for reasons as flimsy as “didn’t look like they belonged here” reminding people that just because they are citizens and even if they were born in America doesn’t mean they’re welcome in their own neighbourhoods are more important than any life or right to walk around and exist freely.
Seriously, if someone is gunned down by a gang member instead of a corrupt cop at least their family is allowed to grieve normally and are not publicly attacked for remembering the dead as anything but people who “had it coming” or in the case of the NRA spat on for lamenting gun-related violence and accused of being paid actors rather than having any motivation related to a loved one’s death.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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