Perhaps the singular deprivation of Protestantism is the rejection of Our Lord’s command to worship Him in the manner He prescribed.
It’s NOT about how “I feel”, and free-styling it “my way”.
The Incarnate Eternal Logos gave a COMMAND the night before He died to worship Him in a very specific fashion. He even reinforced that command the evening of the Resurrection.
The Catholic Church has ALWAYS followed that command.
Protestantism ignores it.
Not good.
The saddest part of all is that His Command to “take and eat for this is my Body / drink, this is my Blood ..” is to encourage in us an unparalleled “marriage” - one not even the angels can ever experience.
To walk away and reject that isn’t so much about defying a command (it is), but the loss of the intimacy He SO VERY MUCH desires with us.
Truly sad.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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