flyingteapot, Mandy & crispycherrypie #transphobia

Not sterilizing kids and stunting their growth is genocide

( flyingteapot )
Truly, why do they think people want them dead? Someone who is probably a fully intact male goes by "she/her maybe they/them" online thinks this means there are hordes of people trying to murder him? Like... what? Even rabid conservatives who are misanthropes and think society is crumbling, don't even know these people exist much less put effort into wanting them dead.

I guess TIPs really need this to be true because they cannot accept the worse reality for them which is that everyone wants them to shut the fuck up because they're annoying.

( Mandy )
They want to be the ultimate victim and stand at the pinnacle of Victimhood Mountain.

( crispycherrypie )
I didn't realize not putting kids on terminal prostate cancer drugs was genocide.

These idiots really do believe that not sterilizing children is genocide. And here I thought preventing an entire group of people from having children was one of the actual signs of genocide, silly me!



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