RE: Students stage massive walk-out after a trans girl was blocked from the locker room / LGBTQ Nation
( OneStarWolf )
Crazy to me that any girl would be protesting to put a boy changing in the locker room with them. They're so naive.
( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
And indoctrinated.
( MiMi2013 )
And stupid. And desperate to be handmaidens. :-(
The boy students , at least some of them, know they're protesting for the erasure of women from public places : From employment, from education, even from any place in public where they might need to use the restroom, AND that this will lead to a society in which women can only survive by finding some man, any man, to marry. That this is the result of allowing any boy or man who wants to , to "identify" as a woman (woman=porn category) has been openly discussed on 'manosphere' sites for years now.
And I have zero sympathy left for trans people at ALL. I do not believe dysphoria is at all common ; where it does exist is mental illness probably akin to body dysmorphia disorder; most trans woMEN are just autogynephiliacs (IOW, rape-y, entitled heterosexual men) , and even they are being replaced by violent sex predators willing to feign trans ness to prey on girls and women (as we see in only too many prisons). In a word : MONSTERS.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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