Apophis is supposed to be an asteroid going 50,000 miles per hour
Which is around 13 miles per second
How could you measure that or even see it
It is supposed to be the size of the Rose Bowl
How could you take a picture of something going that fast
NASA says they are watching it with communication satellites 23,000 miles up
Limitless space is a big lie and we are enclosed in a frequency fence
On Friday the 13th
In April of 2029
Apophis is supposed to make its closest approach
Apophis means demon serpent
NASA claimed their scientists completed complex mathematics that calculated its trajectory
And that during its closest approach it will all of a sudden be sucked in by earths gravity
Where it will be in a synchronous orbit with the earth
And it will then slow down to 18,000 miles per hour
Apophis is supposed to be a remnant of the formation of the solar system and be 4.6 billion years old
A so called meteor was recently seen in the Pacific Northwest
It was a huge ball of light that all of a sudden flashed off as it neared the horizon
If the earth was round and the meteor was real it would have kept going
And rocks do not burn no matter how fast they are going
Apophis is obviously a craft that will be used to keep humans in the fog of deceit
Unless we realize we are being lied to!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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