TERFs or far-right white nationalists?

They're the same picture.

various commenters #racist ovarit.com

RE: The Welsh Refugee Counsel used 12 year old schoolgirls to entice migrants to come to Wales

( nopenottoday )
It's genocide of native European populations. And I'm sure many people are getting paid off to assist

( Carrots90 )
My Russian husband thinks it’s a way to bring in authoritarian government

Flood the West with people who are accustomed to harsh/corrupt/dysfunctional governance and ‘manage expectations’. As long as it’s better than what the migrants are leaving from, they will be more likely to accept it. And it has to be fast. The older migrants adjusted to the west. Rapid immigration won’t risk assimilation or inter community harmony

Undo feminism, gay rights, personal liberties, etc

( pennygadget )

There must be some financial gain to someones high up. This is not out of control wokeness or an excess of compassion.

They are actively trying to attract migrants, there must be a benefit. This isn’t just kindness

The theory is that they're bringing them in for cheap labor. But that doesn't track because these migrants almost certainly consume more taxpayer money and resources than they contribute

( asmahan )
I think "they" are just trying to balkanize countries and destroy/eliminate common cultural touchstones and heritage. So the country is weakened from within by partisan in-fighting and multicultural strife. Makes them easy pickings for..... whatever you want really.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
So kinda looks like those Pakistani Rape Gangs are a feature, not a bug in their books. I wonder why.

( Disappearanceoftheychromosomer )
Reasons I can come up with:

1. Immigration lowers wages.
2. If you get a lot of immigrants to a historically oppressed nation between a country you can surpress its peculiarities and stop and independentist sentiment from forming.
3. Immigration creates divisions and conflicts between the working class.
4. Immigration lowers political standarts of living.
5. They want to normalize pedophilia.
6. They want society to be more divided, political and cold in general. They want no trust between us so we are forced to trust them.



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