(^TrInItY^, a moderator of GLP)
So Now That The Electors Have Officially Voted For Biden, Do You Think It's Over For Trump?
I mean come on guys....
What's left?
POLL: Is It Over For Trump Now?
<table >
No - Trust The Plan
2910 votea
Yes - It's Over
1521 votes
Don't Know
775 votes
Non-Blank Votes: 5206
What's left?
Well, for we of the left, the salt of the right.
For you: Nothing.
We savour the sweet taste of Schadenfreude now the opera singer in the Valkyrie outfit performs.
For you & all your ilk, OP: not with a bang, but with a whimper.
…as the door hits you on the arse as you go through the entryway marked ‘Irrelevance'.
One day as Trump's ashes are being scattered to prevent desecration of his grave, these whackjobs will be telling each other "All right, this is part of his brilliant and subtle plan. He only died and was cremated to go undercover and expose the Deep State. Those mass arrests will start any day now!"
One thing; When it was announced that Biden won, “Q” went silent rather than post more stuff…
…because the trolls behind “Q” had no idea how to spin this in a way that wouldn’t result with egg on their face once Jan 21st rolled along.
The Trumpers need to accept that Trump wasn’t what they thought, “Q” was just a troll, there are no Devil-worshipping pedo cults in the non-existent basements of pizza parlors and that a Progressive future and demographics unlike theirs having the same rights and status is not something to fear.
I also thing “Q” worked as a “cover” to explain away why Trump was such a screw up. It was a fail-safe conspiracy to keep the Trumpers in the Trump cult. Normally; Many would realize how bogus Trump is but Q-Anon gave them an excuse to “Keep on Trumpin’”…
* It’s part of the Plan.
* Trump’s playing 4-D Chess.
* It’s the Deep-State stopping things.
* ETC.
Now; The Q-People are at a crossroads… They can either admit THESE OPTIONS…
#1). The Deep State is All-Powerful and unstoppable that it could even destroy their “Gawd-Ordained Orange Savior”… turning the universe into a Cosmic Horror of despair and meaninglessness where “Evil” is the only thing that is real and has power (Remember, they see Trump as a ‘good guy’).
#2). The Whole Q-Anon thing was a hoax from the get-go, Trump’s a bumbling doofus & con-artist, the Church “prophets” are all hucksters and they had been “had”!
#3). The second option, with the added notion that Deity is Progressive, BibleGodde plays for “Team Biden”, they were rooting for Antichrist and their churches’ “Warfare Prayer Rituals” against the “Antichrist Spirit” and “Jezebel Spirit” (with those African & South American Angels flying around) only made it worse for Trump because these bigots mis-identified what “Antichrist / Jezebel” was.
#4). Options # 2 & 3 with the revelation that they have been hateful bigoted idiots, the Alt-Reich is stupid, Alex Jones is an oaf and they should stop being wingnuts and that the atheists among them need to get onboard of “Atheism Plus” and write a billion “I’m Sorry” Letters to Anita Sarkeesian, other gals they’ve harassed or Sandy Hook parent they’ve harassed.
By this point, the only way Trump could retain power would be a self-coup with the help of paramilitary groups and military units loyal to him, and every know the poor quality of the former and the non-existence of the latter.
@SpukiKitty #69324
Never underestimate the power of delusion!
#5.) Trump may have been cheated out of his rightful victory, but he's just letting the deep state get a false sense of security. In reality, he is going to go underground to lead the counter deep state: special operatives left behind in Biden's government. They plan to expose the Biden crime family's corruption in office and destroy the demonrat party for good once all the Real American True Patriot Militias are mobilized to restore our democracy by installing Trump as Dictator for Life.
See, it's not that hard to spin a Q-friendly take here! If Q went silent it's probably because his masters in the Kremlin decided this psy op has run it's course.
@SpukiKitty #69324
Don’t you mean “Gawd-Ordained Orange Savior-Elect”, so he can be a GOOSE?
Also, if you’re asking people to apologize for making rape threats to Anita Sarkeesian, then yeah, that’s actually less than anyone who did so should be doing. No matter how one disagrees with another, rape threats are never okay, and should not be tolerated. But if all they did was call her a bitchy fraud … no apology necessary, she is a bitchy fraud. Not only making things up and spinning semi-real points to her ideology, but all those gameplay videos that her group used to show how misogynistic modern games are? Stolen from other people’s gameplay videos. After her group ran a big contribution drive to get money to buy those games, so they could do gameplay videos, to show the misogyny. Leaving me wondering … if they just stole other people’s gameplay videos, where did all those thousands of dollars meant to buy these games and the hardware to play them on really go to?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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