Josef B. #fundie #psycho

In the Netherlands, what appeared to be a farm house with one person inside has since been revealed to hold six other people ages 18 to 25, all of whom were hidden in the basement for the past nine years, apparently “waiting for the end of time.”

A 58-year-old Austrian man named Josef B was arrested after police discovered those six young adults, who may have been locked up downstairs since they were children. (News reports say it is “unclear” whether they were there voluntarily, but if their entrapment occurred nine years ago, none of them would have been old enough to give consent.)

The secret spot was only found after the eldest victim escaped during the night, went to a local bar, and asked for help.


The older man, who has been arrested, was initially assumed to be the father, but local mayor Roger de Groot later told reporters that was not the case. Nor was the man the owner of the farmhouse, Mr de Groot said, adding: “I’ve never seen anything like it.”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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