Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #wingnut rootforamerica.com

And what they found was shocking.

In the middle of the night, they suddenly found a mail-in touchdown from an illegal alien wide receiver (they called him “an undocumented player”).

The refs also “football harvested” another mail-in touchdown by a dead running back.

Then at 3 AM a van pulled up that said “NFL” on the side and delivered another mail-in touchdown from a trans tight end who had moved to another team.

Finally, they checked the “football drop boxes” outside the stadium and found a mail-in field goal.

That’s three extra mail-in touchdowns and a mail-in field goal- all of them remarkably for San Francisco. WOW, San Francisco scored a lot of points after the game, when no one was watching. That’s really convenient. What a comeback!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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