Russell James & Little Ice Age #sexist #racist

Re: US Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) justifies banning abortion by suggesting that world was populated by "rape or incest"

(Russell James)

Isn't this what feminists have been saying for years? How come they're never condemned in pubic for it?

They claim that men are naturally rapists and can't be changed. So, if men are "born that way" shouldn't we celebrate the diversity it brings?

(Little Ice Age )

The rape victim is the only one who should have a choice in this matter. She's the one who will have the lifetime reminder of what happened, not some lawmaker who will never have the personal experience of gestating a rape bastard.

Personally, I view rape pregnancies as abominations and wholeheartedly support ending them with abortions. Rapists should be imprisoned and neutered, or executed, to prevent the spread of their defective genes.

I agree. That's your business and nobody else's.
One the oldest tricks of invaders is to forcibly mix the blood of the populations they invade, so they can divide their loyalties. It always works: look at Obama. White mother but whom does he side with? The non-White side. They all do, without exception, all mixed-race people become enemies of the White race. Religitards are pushing the forced mongrelization of White societies because they, along with a lot of alleged WNs here, hate White women 100 times more than they love their race, their countries or White civilization in general. They're completely transparent but are too stupid to understand that.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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