Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Our country is being looted blind by war mongers and illegal aliens.

The American People are sick of it.

We need an Immigration Moratorium and we need a Foreign Aid Moratorium.

@DrPaulGosar Don't forget mass deportation.

@NDMilford @DrPaulGosar Get them early and often.

@NDMilford @DrPaulGosar's where it's the usual rope a dope the commies(uniparty controllers) will use for the uniparty, here's what their shtick will be, they'll "compromise" and tell you because of broad support for immigrants already here, dems will give them amnesty and you'll get your "moratoriums"...not really, because they will allow it to continue under the guise of funding because you know, Israel needs more money to make their border wall better or some other equally insulting lie...but hey, nothing wrong with dreaming a little bit, because that shit will never happen....NEVER!

Antiwhites are trying to white erase us out of our own country.

@DrPaulGosar AND, at the same time, we need to start deporting the 40+ million illegals already here.

@DrPaulGosar We need to hang every member of Congress for the treason of allowing the Federal Reserve to exist. Every bribed, lying cocksucker in Congress is lying about this by keeping their slimy mouths shut.

@DrPaulGosar we just need to get rid of all the Jews… when you realize the germans were the good guys all the jew bullshit makes sense

@DrPaulGosar name the jew, faggot



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