ProxyMusic #transphobia

RE: Weird argument from a Democratic friend about Trump's EO on sports

Today a friend said that what's wrong with Trump's EO is: "It's one way, and that is unfair. It bans transgenders in women's sports but not men's sports." After I pointed out that "the order bans MALES in women's sports, not trans athletes..." her reply was that the EO, by saying only women's sports needs protection, is casting women as vulnerable helpless creatures and Republicans as their great protectors and she finds that false and offensive.


A new memo seems to gone out from TRA HQ to all Dems and trans "allies" in the USA advising them to use this line of reasoning as a new ploy. Coz I've seen the same exact nonsense today on a sports forum where I post.

The new line of reasoning they're using seems to be based on the assumption that there's something weak, deficient and shameful about being the member of a group that benefits from laws and policies that provide protections against

By their logic, all Americans should be embarrassed by the protections provided by the First Amendment, by the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, and by the Environmental Protection Agency - coz they show us to be creatures who are weak and vulnerable. By their reasoning, laws that provide workplace protections mean everyone who works for a living, or has ever applied for a job, is weak and vulnerable; and wearing protective personal equipment or using a seatbelt is a sign of weakness and helplessnessness too. Having a homeowner's protection policy or product warranty means you're weak and helpless. And so on...

It's all nonsense.

Also, the only reason that the female category of sports needs protection is that boys and men and the gender idenity supremacy movement have mounted a full-scale attack and hostile takeover attempt on girls' and women's sports and spaces. Armed with phony baloney claims about gender identity, legions of aggressive, pushy, grabby, entitled, colonizing boys and men have plotted to pull off a full-scale invasion of the female category; and with the help of their "allies," males have attempt to colonize the female category and call it their own. The fact that the female category needs protection against boys, men and the GI supremacy movement as a whole reflects more poorly on them than it does on us.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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