Or maybe they did work. If the ruling globalists really did want to cull humanity, what better way to do it than with vaccines? Gates has already stated this intention. The oligarchs own this planet and they think there are too many people on it consuming too many resources. This is the true reason for the vaccines. In that sense, they were very effective. People are dying suddenly and will continue to die.
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“If the ruling globalists really did want to cull humanity, what better way to do it than with vaccines?”
Almost anything.
Seriously, dipwad, would you plan a world takeover where the most compliant people were the first to die?
If the Late Night Movie had a villain whose plan was to HOPE that people would come take his poison, you’d laugh at the stupid writers. Or at least, you would have in 2004. After 2016, all bets are off.
No, the poison gets the widest possible dispersal, and the antidote gets selectively distributed.
If i had the genetic powers you attribute to the globaal leaders, i’d put it in the air conditioning units at airports and bus terminals. EVERYONE gets exposed, and delivers it EVERYWHERE, even places i don’t have much access to. Even the Unabomber would have come into town for his food supplies and a happy meal and gotten it.
And when they start dying off, no one would be able to point to some discrete event like a goddamned vaccination drive, as the culprit.
Seriously, if YOU can identify the source, it’s not a global power grab.
@Sasha #188665
My dad was a pharmacist, and i pretty much grew up in that hospital. He had a great deal of trust in the people in healthcare.
He had vile scorn for the people trying to run healthcare at a profit. I mean, really, i spend less time bitching about Trump than he ever did about anyone using ‘profit margin’ in the hospital…
So, yeah, understand fully.
…You know.
My love for irony tells me that wouldn’t it just be fitting, if there was some insidious cabal - but their plan for eugenic “utopia” involved convincing a whole lot of the “rubes” that vaccines were poison?
This way, people would literally kill themselves off en masse via easily preventable diseases, and they don’t have to take any more direct action. “We would have released a plague or something - but then we realized a large number of you dipshits are so stupid you’ll stop taking vaccines because God’s middle man tells you to.”
If the ruling globalists really did want to cull humanity, what better way to do it than with vaccines?
But why is the powerful cabal, always trying to extinguish humanity, always failing, like Iznogoud always fails to be the Caliph? Oh! It's only a comic too. And a cheap boring propaganda one without any adventure.
Except that this one has as principle a dangerous lie, causing unnecessary deaths. Supporting the harm you are causing is supporting America? Life and heath are unamerican, lies and death is the American way?
What better way than vaccines to kill humanity? Literally ANY other way. Walking up to each individual person and asking politely they go kill themselves would have a higher mortality rate than any known vaccine and somebody intentionally throwing poison together and calling that a vaccine - like how a lot of conmen keep doing with bleach - would get caught very quickly during the years long testing and vetting process before any legitimate medical body would reccomend them for use. Even a body as loosely regulated, profit driven, and morally dubious as the American FDA couldn’t get a vaccine approved if it did nothing helpful or was consistently dangerous to patients especially if trying to get it approved in other countries.
Unfortunately it’s been proven in America that a horrifying percentage of the populace are more likely to believe conmen with a trail of positively identified victims behind them are purely altruistic beings immune to the burden of proof over the entirety of the global medical profession whose literal job is to keep people alive and unlike conmen need repeat customers. You’ll believe physically impossible things without reason and demand proof physically impossible things can’t happen and can never be satisfied either way because you need to feel like everyone’s out to get you and somehow despite conspiracies of billions doing the impossible for no reason that you’re smarter than them all and it’s the only thing keeping you alive.
I’m just surprised you aren’t blaming that cancer eating what’s left of your tiny mind on the globalists, Ben Garriscum. But then, there’s so many still alive due to their so-called ‘Culling’.
When that cancer slowly culling you knows the score more than you ever will…!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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