
Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

(Two anthropomorphic donkeys in blue suits are sweeping a dusk cloud with the words “Ashli Babbit Murder” under a rug.)

Cartoon published 01/06/2025

We at GrrrGraphics can’t let the anniversary of the January 6 Capitol protest go by without an acknowledgment, so here is a belated cartoon.

We MAGA-minded were outraged when Joe Biden magically received 81 million votes—many coming in the dead of night—and thus claiming victory even though Trump had led throughout the evening. Biden received far more votes than Obama and in fact, far more than any other presidential candidate in history. This despite his resounding unpopularity. Biden was way behind in many of the primaries until Obama made the decision that Biden would get the nomination and that was that—it was all rigged for Joe subsequently. He didn’t even have to run—he mostly stayed in his basement.

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Ben Garrison #conspiracy #transphobia #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

Many hospitals are all too happy to lop off breasts or a penis and send taxpayers the bill. Like Covid, it’s a giant scam being perpetuated by taking advantage of gender confused people. The Biden regime sees trans people and illegal aliens as a first status priority. Citizens are second. Christians are last. Women and black people are also pushed to the curb. It’s an election year and Biden is pandering to the hard left by fawning over the alphabet people.

Tina Garrison #wingnut grrrgraphics.com


Cartoon published 06/13/2024

Road Trumper, the Democrats are after you!

Road Trumper, they think if they indict you, you’re through.

Those Democrats are really some crazy CLOWNS,

When will they learn that they never can mow Trump down!

Poor little Road Trumper never bothers anyone.

‘Making America Great Again’ is his idea of having fun!

Ben Garrison #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon published 05/06/2024

Those handling Biden’s reelection bid announced they would shorten his campaign speeches. They’ve all but acknowledged Joe’s cognitive decline. Biden can barely walk and he can barely talk — but he sure knows how to lie.

Biden is an experienced, accomplished liar and he has no shame about it—and even though many of the tales he tells have been proven to be completely untrue, he repeats those same stories anyway.

“Not a joke!”

His lies are too numerous to list, but here is a sampler:

He claimed he got into politics because he was inspired by the Civil Rights Movement. Yet when he became senator he stood against issues such as bussing, saying he didn’t want his kids in a ‘racial jungle.’ He was friends with Senator Robert Byrd, a former KKK member. Joe was hardly a supporter of civil rights, but later on he claimed he walked and even said he graduated from a historically black college. Nope. Nor did he march with civil rights leaders or go to jail alongside Nelson Mandela. He did not get arrested for standing on a porch of a black family. Trump is not the racist—Biden is.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon published 02/18/2024

Donald Trump is the only man who can save America. He’s far from perfect—no human is, but at this point there is no other viable candidate capable of turning things around.

With the puppet Biden carrying out their orders, the Democrat Party wrecked havoc. We have wide-open borders, systemic corruption in our institutions and satanic insanity being injected into our culture. Those on the far left want the traditional America destroyed and replaced by globalist socialism.

Tina Garrison #racist #conspiracy grrrgraphics.com

[From “Hungry, Hungry Haitians”]


spoilerLeft: Biden wearing an apron and a grass skirt. Center: US taxpayers being boiled in a pot. Right: "BBQ" saying that he's hungry. On the ground: human bones

Haiti is the first country in the western hemisphere that eliminate slavery. Slaves who worked the sugarcane plantations vastly outnumbered their French overlords during Haiti’s revolution, which lasted from 1791 to 1804. All white people were killed—men, women, and children. Haiti has been suffering upheaval and tribal wars in some manner ever since. The Haitian army tried to invade the Dominican Republic and lost. They then resorted to fighting each other

Haiti’s leaders were tyrants waiting to be overthrown. Their latest ‘government’ fell last week. The country is now being run by gangs, and gang warfare will probably go on for a long time. Meanwhile, the Haitians will rapidly find clean drinking water and food in short supply. There have been reports of voodoo and cannibalism

Naturally, there are cries to rescue Haiti with money, troops, and aid. This has never worked. Hillary Clinton knew it wouldn’t work—maybe that’s why she and Bill kept the donations meant for Haitians[…]Trump bluntly called Haiti a ‘shit hole’ and he was right. Certainly not all Haitians want endless strife, but a great many do—just ask “Barbecue,” one of the gang leaders. He enjoys it

Biden has already imported millions of ‘undocumented’ foreigners speaking foreign languages and with foreign cultures into America, without time for them to assimilate by means of the ‘melting pot.’ Instead, America is getting balkanized. Crime is rampant. Joe, like Barbecue, seems to enjoy it[…]Pedo Joe wants foreign children here, too—to be put into sex trafficking

Ben Garrison #wingnut grrrgraphics.com


Cartoon published 05/30/2024

The Democrats have converted America’s justice system into their personal political tool. They are using ‘lawfare’ by means of corrupt courts against their political opponents—especially President Trump and his close associates.

Ben Garrison #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

This is beyond right vs. left and Democrats vs.Republicans. This is spiritual warfare—good vs. evil. One side worships Jesus, celebrates Easter, and honors our fallen. The other side worships Satan, celebrates perversion and abortion, and honors criminals. America must choose wisely by choosing ‘good’ in the November election.

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Ben Garrison #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

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Barack’s Vice President has flopped miserably. He has the lowest rating of any modern president. America is being invaded. Inflation is still high, and everyone aside from Baby Boomers cannot afford a house and can barely make ends meet. Biden is a war monger and a completely corrupt, hair-sniffing pedophile.

Kamala has a lower rating than Joe. She’s a joke and incompetent. A laughing hyena in high heels.

Gavin Newsom? Many Democrats want him to jump in and replace Biden, but he’s simply a younger version of Joe. Despite Gavin’s slick talking and slicked-back hairdo, he has destroyed California. They act like that’s an accomplishment, but Americans aren’t that stupid. Besides, he’s another white male.

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Therefore, don’t be surprised if they trot out Hillary once more during the Democrat Convention. They’ll say she’s the most experienced. She certainly is seasoned and she looks it, but she’s a year younger than Trump. Joe is on tilt and then can’t roll back his odometer…so don’t be surprised if Hillary is one again thrown into the breach. She wants so very badly to defeat Trump, and she will lose. Again!

Another Hillary loss will be glorious.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon published 12/26/2023

Al Gore, like many good con men, shows lot of persistence—but his ‘Chicken Little’ routine has gotten long in the beak.

He predicted ice caps would be melted long before now and they are still there. The polar bear population is booming. His alarmist ‘cry wolf’ huckstering isn’t working any more. People are tuning Al Gore out. He’s been reduced to nothing more than a blathering, aging eccentric. The American people are more worried about making a living than climate change. They want to hold onto their paychecks—not pay Al Gore. Gore is now hopping mad that we won’t listen. Boo-frickety-hoo! It would almost be worth it to have the sea levels rise 30 feet or so just to see Gore’s multi-million dollar beachfront mansion slip under the waves.

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Another confidence trickster constantly in the news is Bill Gates. The man dropped out of college—he didn’t bother to study at all. He had the game already figured out—rip off others to build his business and now he’s conjuring up viruses in bioweapons lab so he can cash in while pretending to ‘save’ us with his vaccines.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

Or maybe they did work. If the ruling globalists really did want to cull humanity, what better way to do it than with vaccines? Gates has already stated this intention. The oligarchs own this planet and they think there are too many people on it consuming too many resources. This is the true reason for the vaccines. In that sense, they were very effective. People are dying suddenly and will continue to die.

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Ben Garrison #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon published 03/11/2024

The annual Oscar Award ceremony took place last night and the movie, “Oppenheimer” cleaned up. Many may not know that Robert De Niro also won. Not for best actor or even best supporting actor. He won the best “Trump Derangement Syndrome” Oscar.

Before I go on, l do think De Niro is a superlative actor—he was great in “Godfather II,” “Raging Bull,” and “Goodfellas.” Yet as a human being he’s pretty much an empty vessel. He was on Bill Maher’s show recently and of course he went into his “I hate Trump!” act, which has become a predictable and tiresome performance. Everyone knows he hates Trump, but WHY does he hate Trump? He can’t say…not exactly. When asked that question he can only hurl more insults such as, “Because he’s a clown!” Or, “Because he’s a bully!” Clowns don’t tend to be bullies, but De Niro’s rage isn’t based on logic.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

The next plannedemic will help the Democrats steal the presidential election again—only this time it must be on a much greater scale because Joe is so despised. More voting machines will be hacked. Trump votes will be changed to votes for Biden. More ballot harvesting will take place. More mail-in ballots from who knows whom. Ballots on pallets will arrive in the dead of night—all votes for Joe. Maybe even the illegals will get to vote. The ruling oligarchy need this to happen because they are saving Democracy. (Their democracy, not yours). We are a constitutional Republic by the way, a Democracy is just mob rule. They don’t want you to know that!

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

Biden demonizes MAGA-minded Americans just like Hitler did with the Jews! Joe and his Uni-party spew lies, fear, and propaganda. They realize how effective big lies can be. Joseph Goebbels would be proud.

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Joe and his party do not tolerate opposition. Those who protest the Uni-Party could face the Gestapo, er, FBI swat teams at their doors, resulting in executions or long prison terms. Will FEMA concentration camps be next?

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Biden even talks about sending American troops to the Russian front! That didn’t end well for Hitler, nor will it for Joe.

Apparently Joe has not learned the lessons of history.

Ben Garrison #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon published 01/07/2024 Signed Print Available

Trump is Hitler! The Democrats constantly tell us that, and they’ve said it for years, but now they’re shouting it with renewed shrillness.

DC—Draino, on X, mentioned how Joe is the one who best matches Hitler—he’s dementia Hitler. At first I thought his post was humorous—but then I realized he’s right! So I drew this cartoon—Joe is a natural (if doddering) Hitler!

Ben Garrison #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon published 12/31/2023

The year 2023 wasn’t a very good year for nearly everyone. The mega billionaires got richer and more powerful—but they always have good years.

A new FoxNews poll showed 66% of the country thinks we are heading in the wrong direction. What’s wrong with the other 34%? Do they like third world hordes, inflation, stifling banana republic government and censorship? As long as it’s their team in control, it’s all good. Go Blue! Yet this is no longer about Republican vs Democrats, this is about good vs. evil. Good must win or our Republic will be lost—and if America goes, it will also soon be over for the world. 2024 will be a critical year in America’s history. What we will witness will be course changing. Which will it be…The Great Awakening or the Great Reset?

Ben Garrison #fundie #transphobia #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon Published 03/31/2024

President Biden chose March 31st, Easter Sunday, to proclaim as the “Transgender Day Of Visibility.” Biden had 364 days out of the year to choose from and he chose March 31st which happened to be the same day as Easter this year.

This was intentional and it’s another attack on Christians by the Biden Marxist regime. Joe himself doesn’t much care about anything except his next pudding cup and ice cream. Attacking Christmas wasn’t enough for the Communist Democrats—they also want to destroy the holiest day in Christianity.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

Peter Navarro is in prison. So are the J6 peaceful protestors. The Democrats want Steve Bannon in jail, but anyone with the last name of Biden gets a slap on the wrist or charges dropped. We are witnessing a two tier justice system play out in real time with Judge Merchan’s witch hunt show trial in New York.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

I suspect this is the case with most Trump haters. They have been conditioned by their leftist peers, the mass media, and by Hollywood to hate him without any sort of deep examination. They simply follow the script titled “Orange Man Bad!”

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Maybe De Niro’s complaint is mostly based on fear and paranoia. De Niro claimed if Trump is elected it would mean Trump would ‘go after’ him—and Maher would lose his show. Well, if Trump were to do those things (and he wouldn’t), he could have done them during his first term—if he had the power and he didn’t. Free speech allows Maher to continue and De Niro to rant and besides, De Niro isn’t even on Trump’s radar. Maybe De Niro’s fear is based on his own inflated sense of self-importance. Or maybe he is auditioning for the role of a crazy conspiracy theorist.

Robert is not on Trump’s ‘to do’ list. Not at all. De Niro washed up. A De Zero. A Duh Niro. A De Nimrod.

Ben Garrison #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon published 03/17/2024

Former Vice President Mike Pence said he’s not endorsing Trump. He self-righteously stated,

“I believe anyone that puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president of the United States and anyone who asks someone else to put them over the Constitution should never be president of the United States again,”

Trump never put himself above the Constitution. Pence bought into the ‘insurrectionist’ lie pushed by the globalist Democrats.

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Pence is a typical politician—he’s a deal maker. A schmoozer. A go-along and get-along type. Like Mitch McConnell, he wants to be liked and in the end, he has become the kind of politician he should be fighting. Pence has endlessly and pompously claimed his love for Jesus, but he has behaved more like Judas.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



As Christmas Day approaches, we at GrrrGraphics have decided to update our Santa Trump’s ‘naughty and nice’ list for 2023.

We eliminated Sean Hannity from the nice list. He and his rent boy Lindsey Graham were way, way too vociferous about widening the war in Ukraine. Instead of calling for peace, the Fox News host loudly banged their drums and called for more needless bloodshed. He and Mark Levin appear to support any war that helps the Military Industrial Complex. Both of them should retire and enjoy their mega-million dollar fortunes.

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As you could expect, Joe Biden tops the naughty list. Here’s a man who should be in an old folk’s home and licking an ice cream cone. Instead, he stumbles around at night in the White House while butt naked. That should not come as a surprise. Joe disrespects America by keeping the borders open to millions of invaders. He has sent endless billions of dollars to a corrupt money-laundering country called Ukraine. He has ruined the economy and carried out the destructive policies of his Marxist boss — Obama. So why is it a surprise that Joe disrespects the White House by prancing around nude? Not to mention his son leaving behind bags of cocaine there. He also enjoys being underdressed.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

Joe has decimated our military and destroyed its morale by making soldiers salute the LBGTQ flag while jabbing them with deadly vaccines. They wonder why they can’t attract new recruits.

Speaking of vaccines, Joe pushed a Covid shot that killed and injured millions. He promised it would prevent recipients from contracting Covid and prevent its spread. It did neither.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

Bill Gates, the most evil man on the planet, will launch another virus to make tens of billions of dollars in profit for himself while helping Joe. Bill’s government operatives will once again demand masks, testing, tracking, lockdowns, and mandatory vaccinations. Sadly, most people will fall in line just like last time because they are statists who consider government and ’the science’ to be god-like and not subject to questioning.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon published 02/27/2024
Signed Prints Available

It seems to me the Democrats should start beating the drum for Hillary to enter the race. After all, the Clintons had sway over their party for a long time. They got pushed aside by Barack and his operatives, but who does Obama have to offer right now? That’s right, Big Mike. That’s it. Many want her to run, but she won’t because she will be a disaster and he/she knows it. It has nothing to do with whether or not she’s a ’trannie’ )and that’s “OK” according to the late Joan Rivers), it has to do with her lack of experience and, well, she hated America until Barry got in. It would be fun to see her debate Trump, but no, she won’t run.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

How many celebrities did Davos bidding? Arnold Schwarzenegger said “Screw YOUR FREEDOM!” Jim Cramer and Terry Bradshaw and many others screamed for mandatory vaccines. Billy Graham’s son Franklin said Jesus wanted you to take the Covid jabs. We can expect the globalist Google to erase all the evidence and restore their reputations, but we must not forget. The globalist test run, marshaled by murderous criminals such as Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates, was successful and now they will try it again by drumming up their ‘climate change’ panic.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon published 01/27/2024

As we expected, the Manhattan jury in the E. Jean Carroll vs. Donald Trump defamation case delivered their anti-Trump verdict yesterday. ‘Orange man bad!’

It should not come as any great surprise. After all the Democrats have rigged elections, the media, the FBI and now the courts against Trump.

Ben Garrison #forced-birth #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon published 01/17/2024

Joe Biden’s pride and joy (besides his son Hunter) is his 1967 green Corvette Stingray convertible.

He keeps it in his garage along with secret documents he had stored in boxes. Notice how he never had to endure an FBI raid such as the one Trump endured.

If Joe were a car, he would bear little resemblance to his slick sports car. Instead he’d be a clunker fit for a junkyard.


His presidency has been a disaster on wheels. Biden has blood on his hands — starting with the deaths caused by his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. He didn’t seem to care about the brave soldiers who died. Likewise, he cares little about the hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians—and in fact, he suggested he might send in American troops. Then there is his love for abortion and the murder of millions of the most innocent humans of all.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

The American people are gathering around Trump and his MAGA movement. They are rejecting Marxist Democrats—even in blue states. Trump needs to be elected in an overwhelming landslide to overcome the Democrats’ cheating campaign. Once elected, Trump must choose the right people to help him. No more backstabbing, Deep State Swamp stooges!

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Ben Garrison #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon published 02/15/2024

Chuck Schumer said Joe Biden was just fine and the Republicans were engaged in hyperbole and conspiracy theory (we’re paraphrasing) when it comes to Joe Biden’s mental acuity.

This will be the Democrats’ strategy when it comes to their rapidly dementing president: They will gaslight their way to Joe’s reelection. Or they will simply outright steal it.

OR…Joe might deteriorate still further and stare blankly into the camera like a frozen deer in the headlights. More like a vegetable in the headlights.


There are millions of Democrats out there—it seems odd that they are sticking with Sleepy Joe and maybe they aren’t. It looks like Biden’s handlers might decide to switch horses midstream and go for a candidate they might think is more electable. I predict this will happen during the Democrats’ convention. Possible candidates are featured our latest cartoon, some serious and some just fantasy. The Democrats are backed into a corner for 2024, they can run cover with unpopular and hated, Joe Biden, or find a new candidate. They need Biden to get the delegates until Biden becomes the nominee and then the switch will happen.

All President Trump needs to do is point out to the American people the Deep State Agenda, do you want four more years of open borders, inflation and war?

It’s going to be a wild election season. Stay tooned.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

• Joe promised to unite the country but he seems hell-bent on dividing it along race, sex, party, and class lines. Like Hillary, he has vilified all Trump supporters.

• Biden cares more about the climate change hoax than the American people—he wants citizens to suffer by taking away their combustion engine cars, gas stoves, and air conditioners.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

The Democrats stole the election through election fraud. Plain and simple. Pence did not support Trump during the crisis—he sided with the Deep State Swamp establishment, and now he’s not even voting for Trump, making his backstab complete.

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Trump was not a politician when he got elected for his first term. Perhaps it’s one of the reasons he was elected—he was definitely not part of the political establishment. Trump wanted to get the job done, but the politicians he chose to work with him were mostly all like Pence—conniving backstabbers who were part of the Swamp.

Let’s hope Trump has learned his lesson. His next VP had better be more loyal than the white-haired double-crosser.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

All the while, many of us were warning everyone not to take those experimental Covid jabs. We got rewarded with ridicule and bans on social media. We were not allowed to question ‘science’ owned by the WHO and WEF. Still, science is about questioning. Science is always evolving and getting amended. For example, Galileo discovered the moons orbiting Jupiter, which therefore proved the Earth was not the center of the universe. The Catholic church controlled science at that time and they threatened him with excommunication—even torture. Today, doctors and scientists who do not fall in line lose their jobs and reputations. Some even get murdered. Big Pharma uses their vast fortunes to silence their critics. Those who warned against medical tyranny were excommunicated from Twitter and Facebook.


Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon grrrgraphics.com


Blinken attended. Like Biden, he his answerable to those unelected leaders at Davos, not American citizens. None of the Davos creeps were elected. Did you vote for Gore, Kerry, Schwab, or any of the other climate change shills to hector you? Of course not. Yet they think they can get you to pay a carbon tax to ’save the planet.’

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The control freaks are now saying anyone who resists the climate change agenda are spreading ‘misinformation’ and must be silenced. It all sounds crazy, but they already succeeded when they rolled out Covid. We could not say anything to counter their shutdowns, mask-wearing, and so-called ‘vaccines.’ If anyone tried they were kicked off of social media. (GrrrGraphics was kicked off of Facebook during this time).

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

He ruthlessly pushed a dangerous mRNA Covid jab, and when it started to wind down he dumped all five of his pharmaceutical stocks and raked in 35 billion dollars! After he did that he bad-mouthed the vaccines and began pushing an oral mRNA product. Does he not know that we are paying attention? He pulls these shady stunts while pretending to be a generous philanthropist. Sure, he donates a lot of money to companies that make sure people get shots of stuff he owns. He makes sure the corporate media says good things about him—yet most Americans are catching on to his murderous plans and now they despise him more than ever. Because of this, Bill said he’s worried about ‘extremists’ in the population who refuse to be vaccinated. Bill will figure out a way to force everyone to get his poison. Gates needs another pie in the face.

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Another big con man who pushes climate change is Joe Biden. He wants the mainstream media to report rapturous praise for his Bidenomics. Like Al Gore’s climate change bunk and Gate’s vaccine scam, Joe thinks he can gaslight everyone into thinking ‘happy days are here again,’ and agree with him — just because he tells them to. Yet the polls show Americans despise the traitorous old fool that is Joe Biden. I expect him to be jettisoned in 2024, because the globalist mafia men at the top want an even bigger con man—“Hair gel Gavin.”

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Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

From his failure to secure our southern border to his economic destruction, Biden’s presidency has burned more oil than rubber and his poll numbers reflect that. His campaign has been lurching more in reverse than forward. He’d rather spend his time on vacation than riding on the campaign road.


His handlers (most likely Obama and crew) certainly know this. The longer they delay, the worse it will get. They must figure out a way to replace Biden, but old Joe thinks he’s tuned up and ready even though he’s not operating on all cylinders.

The Democrats will have to ramp up the steal to get Biden elected. Expect the vote counts to get stalled while the Dems roll in more votes for Joe. The question is, will they risk such an obvious grand theft auto?

Tina Garrison #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

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As the New Year is rung in around the globe, we are sharing some predictions for 2024. Let’s hope we don’t crack the crystal ball.


1. Biden won’t cross the finish line in the 2024 election. He’s a dead weight. He’s dragging the Democrats down and Obama is not pleased. Look for a new, fresh face to pop up unexpectedly in the Democrat primary and it won’t be Moochelle or Gavin Nuisance.

2. Will House Republican Speaker Johnson impeach Biden? I doubt it. We may get a sternly worded tweet or a finger wag instead. Remember Johnson was supposed to release the Jan 6th footage—all of it. That didn’t happen.

3. The Deep State lapdogs—Fake News—will become increasingly shrill. Watch them take gaslighting to levels never seen before as their hopes for Biden and Marxism begins crumbling around them.

4. Taylor Swift and her Vaccine Poster Boy will break up. Fans of the Kansas City Chiefs will breathe a sigh of relief.

5. Elon Musk will land on Mars and rename it Planet X.

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Sen. Tommy Tuberville weighed in on why the Biden administration banned religious images in the White House Easter egg art contest, “Because the Democrats are a Satanic cult.” It’s sure looking that way.

Trans visibility date should be on April 1st, April Fool’s Day, as only a fool would think that one could change their sex by mere wishful thinking or by genital mutilation. A man will never be a real women because he has XY chromosomes that say he is a man. Nothing will change that.