Bill T #sexist

College for women is a disaster for all of society. Because when women go to college, inevitably, men get excluded from college. Everybody claims this doesn’t happen, but it does.
So now we have millions of young men who haven’t gone to college, who don’t have jobs or careers. Who are mocked, insulted, demeaned by haughty women.
So what do these beaten-down insulted boys do? What they’ve always done in history: pick up guns and start killing people.
A very, very small number of crazy young men with guns can destroy society utterly. It’s called “Asymetric warfare” and that’s how Bosnia and other similar nations collapsed into civil war.
Now the USA is headed that way. In 20 years our nation will be in ruins and all those “empowered women” will be begging for some man to protect them. Or we’ll be a police state in which all men are wearing electronic tracking collars, controlled from birth.
Feminism destroys nations. This has been true for thousands of years of human history. Villages that embraced Feminist-like ideals quickly collapsed and starved, or were overrun by non-Feminist villages nearby. This is why early Feminists were ALWAYS driven from the village by the other women, or killed. They are dangerous to everybody’s survival.
The USA and other nations that have fallen under the evil spell of Feminism are doomed.
Future generations will look back in horror at Feminism and wonder how we could have been so stupid. For the women in the future, to call another woman a “Feminist” will be the most terrible insult, a word said with a hiss. As the population of the country collapses (it’s already happening, look at the birth rate) Feminism and Abortion will be recognized as the crimes they are, and young women will have to be paid/encouraged to have more kids to try to stave off social collapse.
All of the above is scientific fact. And Biblical fact.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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