Elizabeth #transphobia pittparents.com

I felt such gratitude and relief when President Trump issued this executive order. It came too late to help my own son or my family. Multiple doctors, teachers, psychiatrists, and even a few psychiatric institutions all failed to help my son. Those so called professionals were so captured by the gender lie, or too cowardly to fight against it, that they let the gender lie consume an autistic teen. It is despicable. It is my hope that this EO will save other children, and will stop the bullying of parents who know that their child cannot change sex.

Now congress must act to put the nail in the coffin of gender ideology and all its harms. If they don’t act, Trumps actions could be undone by a future president.

It is my hope that so many people will now feel free to speak against the lie of “gender affirming care” , that the floodgates will have burst, and there will be no going back.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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