various commenters #wingnut #racist #psycho

( @Nature_and_Race )
When your government imports millions of brown invaders into your country without asking you if you're even okay with it, and those brown invaders start murdering your White children, and your government does nothing about it, rioting becomes a very legitimate reaction, if not THE MOST legitimate reaction.

In short: It's okay to riot when brown invaders murder White children.

Anyone telling you not to riot when brown invaders murder White children is a subversive who wants you to just sit back and let your children be murdered by brown invaders.

Don't ask me to 'disavow' the 'far right rioters' in Ireland unless 'disavow' is a synonym for 'standing ovation.'

( @ALushPair )
@Nature_and_Race riots are ok, the death of corrupt and treasonous politicians solves the problem overnight

( @gthousandaire )
@Nature_and_Race Oh, the government will do something about it alright. They will lock YOU up for defending your women and children from being killed by brown savages.

( @Ski777 )
@Nature_and_Race And the people telling you not to riot when brown invaders murder White children are the same ones who encouraged rioting when a black criminal had a drug overdose heart attack while resisting arrest by a White cop.

( @romanse )
@Nature_and_Race killing traitors is essential

( @MrCucumber )
@Nature_and_Race I disagree. Non- Targetted violence is pointless. The Boston tea party was not a riot.

( @Nature_and_Race )
@MrCucumber -- If a black or brown murders a White child, and White people respond by burning down a black or brown neighborhood, that's not "non-targeted violence".

( @Count_Noses )
@Nature_and_Race MOAR (((KKKolonization))), now with Pumpkin Spice Dot-kikes!

( @Largecock )
@Nature_and_Race the invaders need to go. Their jew friends need to go and journalists need to be tortured to death, slowly.



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