Spencer_Shayy #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: 2024 could be the year America's trans bubble bursts - The Post

"The biggest drivers of public opposition to the trans movement has always been trans activists themselves"

I always love when people point that out. I was pro-live and let live for "trans" people until I actually met "trans" people and was exposed to the deranged, vile, hateful beliefs they have. To any "trans" lurkers who may come across this, YOU are the reason I hate you and your evil ideology. Congrats on all the enemies you've made. Really. It's mind boggling. The only "marginalized" group people feel LESS empathy towards the more they get to know you.

"General society is not willing to allow more rights for transgender people"

That's because you have "rights" confused with "privileges". You asking for special privileges (and that's all "trans rights" is) is NOT the same as supporting basic human rights for groups that are ACTUALLY oppressed.

"Public understanding of trans issues was always something activists explicitly avoided"

And here lies the heart of the hypocrisy. "Trans" people are treat everyone else like evil idiots, dangerous animals who are just so ignorant until the "wise" AGP incel or self hating pickme girl comes to "enlighten" us, insisting we'd change our minds if we "got to know trans people". And yet, the only reason your heinous ideology has taken hold in modern society is because of a decades long campaign done BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, with "activists" explicitly telling each other to avoid contact with the public and media. Read the Denton document. We were worried about the wrong fascists infiltrating.

Bring on the lawsuits. Bankrupt and jail every butcher who surgically experiments on people. Remove the licenses of every counselor and social worker who tells someone, especially a CHILD, that they're "born wrong". Fire every teacher who pushes children down the pipeline to sterilization and medical mutilation. Take the children away from the parents who "trans" them. Dismiss every doctor who pushes this heinous science denying ideology on their practice and patients. Drag everyone - regardless of who they are - supporting this hate movement wrapped in a pink and blue how.

It's time to put an end to these conservative-in-liberal-clothing tyrants once and for all.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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