OldIncel #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] As a man your value is entirely based by how many women you've had sex with(hookers and fat whales don't count)

If you've had a lot of sex, you're a high value male. Everyone in society respects you, women respect you, even freaking children respect you more(proven by Elliot Rodger's manifest).

Not much sex? Only got laid a few times? Normie. Not high value but not super low neither. Just in the lower end average of value. Men can still respect you to some degree, women do not respect you at all, and children will rebel thinking that you're a loser.

Virgin past age 25? Absolutely low value. NOBODY respects you. Everyone knows you're a failure. Nobody wants to associate with you. You're the plague of society. Women would rather get beaten to death by a psychopathic killer than to even touch you. You are the absolute cancer of society and you must be put out of the public eye and nobody wants to even remember that you exist.

Obviously there's a spectrum that includes infinitely more possibilities than what I listed but those 3 tiers are the most common: Chad, normie(failed normie), or incel.

But ultimately your entire worth in this society is how many women you have shagged. Even vilified Harvey Weinstein is more valuable than incels because he's had sex.



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