NastasyaFillipovna, TheKnitta & pennygadget #transphobia

“Puberty blockers are basic healthcare therefore GENOCIDEEEEE!”

( NastasyaFillipovna )
My dad ( totally GC btw ) says the Ts can't reproduce, so they have to recruit someone somehow. And they are pedos, because a normal adult wouldn't touch them even with a 10 foot pole.

They have to induct little children into their cult because once they are of age, nobody would buy into their ideology, unless they are AGP or fetishists

( TheKnitta )
Oh for the love of god, stfu about your pretend genocide, you victim tourist assholes. You’re grown adults whining that you can’t pressure kids into fucking their bodies up to prove you should be allowed to wank off in the women’s changing rooms. Take a good look at yourselves and find some shame.

Fucking ‘genocide’, when entire governments and media empires support these tossers. The gall of these pricks.

( pennygadget )
This language is deliberate. They cry "TRANS PEOPLE ARE BEING DENIED HEALTH CARE!!!" because they want people to think that TIPs are being prevented from getting vaccines and antibiotics in addition to not getting their blockers & hormones

Also, if not having easy access to medication is "genocide", than pretty much everyone who requires medication for a chronic condition is being genocided right now. I was genocided when my endocrinologist required a blood test before refilling my thyroid medication last week. My father is genocided every time he needs to pay for insulin. People who go bankrupt paying for cancer treatment are being genocided (honestly, i wouldn't blame those people for accusing the medical system of violence against them because medical debt is crushing)



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