“He is not in favor of IVF fertilization.” I am. I'm like the father. I consider myself to be the father of fertilization. Remember?
Oh for… who someone is called the “father/mother of a field of science or technology” they often meant that person pioneered that science or tech, which would be Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards and most definitely not you, a man with a bachelor’s in economics which… to be frank… I’m fully convinced your dad bought you that degree and you didn’t worked to earn it, which is NOT a degree in the medical field.
He’s still saying this?
This feels like one of those situations where it’s painfully obvious that you’re dealing with a person who doesn’t have even the most basic understanding of the situation or subject in question, and then when they get pushback they get pissed and claim to be a doctor/lawyer/scientist/whatever and know exactly what they’re doing/talking about. I’m not sure the Orange One even knows what IVF is.
I mean, I wouldn’t at all be surprised to find that he doesn’t personally have anything against it, even if he does know. But there are plenty in his orbit, including the Project 2025 ghouls, who very much do want to get rid of it, and I doubt he’d stand in their way.
Some… thing was spawned as the result of IVF: Nick Fuentes.
You can’t be his ‘Daddy’ when he’s thrown you under your own garbage truck, Don Old Fart.
Remember the times when candidates who said much less outrageous things than what Trump says EVERY DAY would be like immediately out of the race, effectively? Honestly, even for someone who agrees with Trump and the Republicans policies 100%…how the fuck do you want this damn raving lunatic for President????
@JeanP #210884
Not even just a “viable candidate,” as I’m typing this, it looks like he has this election virtually won. Well, fuck….
Did so many US voters really forget J6?
Not give a damn about the warnings that Trump is a fascist?
Did they really choose to believe “Invasion, across the WIDE OPEN southern border, of deported prison inmates and mental patients!” and “They’re eating the dogs,
they’re eating the cats!”?
Did any of them vote not so much for Trump as against Harris, maybe on grounds like “A female POTUS??? This is ‘The land of the free and the home of the brave’!!
NOT ‘The land of the effeminate and the home of the limp-wristed cock-suckers’!!!”?
Who cares what you say that you consider yourself to be, pathetic liar? Oh, the stupid ignorant. Oh, and those who record your deceptive lies and human stupidity for prosperity. So that generations know who to blame for what and hopefully learn how to do better. If humanity still exists by then.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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