Andrew Anglin #fundie #wingnut #psycho

[From "Christian Soldier Brenton Tarrant Who Cleansed Christchurch of Moslems to Represent Himself in Court"]

God is the only witness he needs, for he did what he did in defense of Christian civilization.

Killing people who invaded your homeland for the purpose of transforming your society and destroying your ancestral heritage is not “murder.”

The Guardian

The Australian man who pleaded guilty to killing 51 Muslims in a terrorist attack in Christchurch in March 2019 has chosen to represent himself at his sentencing next month.

Brenton Tarrant pleaded guilty in March to 51 counts of murder, 40 of attempted murder and a terrorism charge after dozens of worshippers were gunned down at two mosques in New Zealand last year.

Well, he has a right to grandstand.

He was a person who stood up and defended Christianity from our ancient enemies, who are now openly preparing to desecrate one of our holiest places in Constantinople, as they always desecrate everything they conquer.

We may pretend that this conflict between the Moslems is somehow over, because we developed secular humanism, but the Moslems do not believe it is over, and when they move to our lands, they do so with the intention to conquer and subdue us.

Brenton understood that. Soon, all formerly Christian whites will understand it, just the same, when the blood begins to flow in the streets.

History will remember Brenton Tarrant as the precise opposite of what he is being portrayed as now.

History will make him a Saint.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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